Fitness, Training

This Rowing Gym Hack Will Change the Way You Train Forever

Rowing gym

One of the best exercises and techniques you can use to strengthen your upper torso muscles is rowing movements (Rowing Gym).

Of course, don’t forget that taking all kinds of supplements, such as supplying the body with the vitamins it needs, MusclePharm Combat Protein, Muscletech Glutamine, and Amino Acids 2:1:1 , will help you progress and succeed.

If you’ve ever been to a gym, you’re definitely familiar with the device, but if you decide to go to the gym for the first time, it’s very helpful to know about the device.

Do you know which muscles the Rowing Machine strengthens? What techniques and movements can be implemented using this device ?

The goal of exercise, along with health, is definitely to stay fit and achieve the ideal physique.

However, do not forget that change does not happen overnight. For this purpose, it is good to try and perform movements according to your target muscles.

In this article, we will guide you on the rowing machine in bodybuilding.

Rowing gym

A rowing machine is a unique and widely used machine in rowing gyms that simulates movements similar to rowing. It’s good to know the muscles involved in these activities and the types of techniques and exercises you can do using the rowing machine in the rowing gyms. 

Rowing is a technique in which all large muscles of the body are coordinated. The most important muscles involved in this technique include the following: 

  1. Strengthening the quadriceps 
  2. Legs and buttocks 
  3. Hamstring muscles 
  4. Armpit and trapezius muscles 
  5. Biceps and forearm muscles 
  6. Oblique abdominal muscles

It can be said that training with a rowing machine is a full-body exercise and involves all muscles of the upper torso, mid-torso, and lower torso in various parts of the movement.

Rowing gym

In general, the movements with the rowing machine are carried out in the following four general stages.

Of course, other items and techniques can be combined with this sport to make it more challenging, but the basics are as follows.

In the catch phase, you need to sit behind the device, and your arms should be perfectly straight. You contract the muscles in your armpits and stretch your arms. With the help of your fingers, you hold the handle tightly. For stretching, the abdominal muscles contract, and the back muscles relax. 

In the drive stage, you need to perform a rowing movement. So tighten your leg muscles completely and then pull the handle with the contraction you make in your shoulders. At the end of the movement, the muscles of the neck contract. The entire muscles of the upper torso, back, and forearms are also involved in this activity.

You have reached a short break at the end stage. The legs are perfectly straightened, the abdominal and back muscles contract, and you use the shoulder and arm muscles to hold the weight and the machine. 

The recovery phase is similar to the opposite of driving. That is, you bend the hips forward, the knee returns to its original position, and you bring your hands closer to the front of the device.

Tip 1: Be sure to warm up before performing any technique, including movements with a rowing machine. 

Tip 2: Put a weight that fits your ability on the device, because using heavier weights causes the buttocks to rise from the bench.

Rowing gym

You can do the rowing in different ways. The following table shows the different techniques and methods of rowing.

Name of movementHow the body is positionedExecution of movementTechnique tips
Wide cabling With a rowing machine.In using this device, you can sit behind the device and put your feet flat on the floor. It is also possible to place the legs on the special part tilted.To perform this technique, hold the rod handles tightly and pull the wire back and forth by moving the arm and head.Pull and hold the handle up to a distance of 10 cm from your abdomen.   When pulling the rod towards the body, perform the exhalation action.
Strong forward-bending cabling with a rowing machineYou sit on the machine.  You put your feet on the marked screen. The shoulder tends slightly forward, but the slope of the spine is perfectly maintained.You don’t use your shoulders to do this technique, but by holding your body steady, you just pull the knobs to the front of your abdomen by bending your elbows.When performing the technique, exhale and inhale as you return to your original state.
Tightening cable movement with rowing machineYou sit on the machine.  The feet are on a certain plate. You only use arm bending to move the paddle.This technique is similar to the practice of wide cabling, except that the hands are placed at a closer distance on the rod. When you pull the bar towards your body, the wrists tilt towards the navel.The elbow moves near the body and sits next to the sides.
Strong cabling with traction by a rowing machineThe body position is seated in this position, and the legs are fixed tightly on a special chamber. The intensity of this technique is high, but you should be careful not to lift the buttocks off the machine seat.Hold the handles in your hand and pull them straight to your abdomen. When you reach the end of the cable stretch, your back tilts back slightly. You also bend your back forward when you return to the starting position.To perform this technique, you use the entire upper torso to stretch the rope. In the entire stretch and return process, the rope must be parallel to the bench and flat, back and forth.
shoulder width cable rowYou sit behind the machine.  You put your feet on the floor or in a special footrest. Your back is perfectly straight and you shouldn’t slouch.In this technique, the abdomen should be tightened, and then use the head to bring the handles to the bottom of the chest.Use only elbows to move. Do not arch on your back. Do not choose heavy weights.

Tip 1: In all the exercises we have listed above, you can do four sets with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 repetitions, depending on your capacity and ability. Of course, the weight you choose for the device is better to be about 75 percent of the maximum load your muscles can withstand. This helps build more muscle. 

Tip 2: If the goal is to increase power, you can increase the weight and load and reduce the number of repetitions per set.

Rowing gym

Have you ever wondered why this device is so popular among professional bodybuilders? Here we tell you why rowing or ergometers  are more commonly used among athletes than other bodybuilding machines.

Rowing machines are not as dull and difficult as many other bodybuilding machines, such as stationary bicycles. Most people who have used these devices believe that working with them is more attractive than with other bodybuilding devices.

When you use a treadmill, you run on a path that has no appeal, but in the movement of the rowing machine, in addition to involving all the muscles of the upper, lower, and mid-torso, you perform better and more effective techniques to strengthen the muscles.

This technique is a combination of effective bodybuilding movements such as the deadlift and barbell movement, which, if you do endurance training, is effective for you by engaging your core and strengthening your muscles.

Rowing gym

The use of a rowing machine is a good option for people whose lower trunk is damaged or who are beginners. It is also used for blind people and is not dangerous.

Ergometers machine or rowing  training is a full-body technique. So if you have a little time to build muscle, you can take advantage of it and enjoy being efficient and effective. Of course, be sure to implement this technique under the supervision of a bodybuilding coach with short courses and high pressure.

In today’s machine life, if you’re sitting at a desk or in the system for a long time, this technique can help prevent curvature of your spine.

If you want to benefit more from the rowing machine and not suffer any harm, consider these points:

  1. Do not only use your hands to stretch, but also distribute the pressure between your legs, abdomen, and arms. 
  2. In the initial position, stand straight and do not pull the handle with a bent spine. To fix this, focus on the abdominal muscles and do not involve the back in stretching. 
  3. When moving, the buttocks should not slide on the bench. In this case, either the weight you have chosen is more than your capacity, or you have not engaged your legs properly.

Rowing gym

Last Word 

Going to the gym and using this rowing machine is one of the best ways you can use to strengthen muscle fullness. In addition to muscle building, weight loss, high endurance, and cardiovascular recovery and strengthening are other benefits that include this exercise, of course, if you implement the techniques correctly and do not make common errors. 

At X store, we provide you with the highest quality and most affordable nutritional and sports supplements online with the aim of promoting your health in the implementation of bodybuilding techniques.


About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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