
Protein Fasting: How It Works and Why You Should Try It

Protein Fasting

I always thought that as soon as I got the most complete multivitamin and was always looking for a vegan supplement shop, the best site to buy creatine and isolated protein, it was enough to do exercise for weight loss and fitness. Until I saw that many of my friends who exercise even less than I do suffer more normally in terms of fat mass index and waist-to-hip ratio. 

To be honest, I was embarrassed to ask my friends about their health and well-being.

I felt that I might look like a lazy person who couldn’t get fit easily. Until I decided to talk very honestly to a close friend of mine, and that’s when I discovered the secret of nutrition and the WPF diet. A diet that made it much easier to achieve a good-looking style than I imagined. 

I found that in WPF nutrition (Protein Fasting) I had to focus on how much protein I received. Although calorie counts are also important in this diet, the lightest emphasis is on measuring the foods and proteins I eat during the day.

So if you’re facing problems like this, I want to share my experiences with you.

WPF Nutrition 

First of all, WPF is an acronym for the phrase “Wolf’s Protein Fasten.” The meaning of this phrase is wolf protein fasting. You may not understand the meaning of the word well, but when you look at it more thoughtfully, you realize that it signifies the endurance and stubbornness of the wolf that you have to follow in this diet. 

So the goal of the Protein Fasting Diet is that by controlling protein levels, you can both meet your body’s needs and have the strength and vitality to do sports and daily activities. The result of all this should lead to the general health of the body, high efficiency, and better performance. 

Below are some examples of WPF Diets.

  • 1 toast + 8 walnuts + 1 teaspoon of peanut butter 
  • 150 grams of chicken breast + grapes 
  • Medium meat pizza + a glass of lettuce salad 
  • One apple + one cucumber + 4 tablespoons of cooked beans 

  • One tablespoon of cream + 1 toast + one teaspoon of honey 
  • A palm of salmon + 9 tablespoons of brown rice 
  • Vegetable salad including cucumber, tomato, avocado, lettuce, wheat germ, and olive oil 
  • Protein smoothie including milk + 8 tree almonds + one medium banana 

WPF Nutrition 

  • A small banana +  chocolate protein shake  + half a toast 
  • 140 grams of burgers and wheat bread 
  • Half a cup of cooked pumpkin + half a cup of cooked peas + one tomato and cucumber + one cooked chicken breast 
  • A bowl of Greek yogurt with nuts or strawberries 

  • Omelette with cheese + pizza + 3 walnuts 
  • Grilled chicken with a glass of vegetables 
  • Shrimp with wheat bread + cabbage and lettuce salad 
  • 10 grams of dark chocolate + a handful of Brazil nuts

You can divide your meals into two main meals and two snacks. Then get the protein you need through different meals. It is necessary to know that in the Wolf’s Protein Fasting Diet, you are allowed to consume two grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight during the day. This protein prevents your muscles from breaking down.

Protein also plays an effective role in your body fat intake and in ensuring your health. To get the protein you need for your body, simply multiply your body weight by two.

The resulting number indicates the amount of protein you can consume during the day. Since eating this amount of protein in one meal at a time can make you hungry or weak at other times of the day, it is better to divide this amount of protein into three or four meals.

Protein Fasting

The mechanism of action of WPF nutrition is to know how you can achieve weight loss through this diet. Your body needs three sources of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to produce energy. 

The most important thing to consider in a variety of diets, including the Wolf’s Protein Fasting diet, is that you don’t lose muscle tissue during the diet. That means that your body’s protein intake should be enough to provide the nutrients it needs for the muscles and not get energy from the muscle reserves in return for your body. 

In addition to building muscle mass, protein also plays an effective role in the repair and healing of body tissues. Protein can increase metabolism by boosting energy expenditure.

In the Protein Fasting Diet, you should plan your fasting and eating times in such a way that the metabolism is stimulated. Stimulating metabolism increases the fat-burning process. In contrast, during eating hours, you need to absorb the proteins needed by the body so that the body can succeed in building muscle and maintaining muscle.

In this diet you are allowed to get at least 10 and at most 35% of your daily calories from protein.

The most important high-protein foods that you are allowed to eat in this diet include the following.

WPF Nutrition 

In addition to protein, these foods contain omega-3s. You will get the amount of specified proteins in every 3 ounces of food below.

  • Salmon: 22/5 grams
  • Tuna: 25/5 grams
  • scallops : 17/5 grams
  • Rainbow trout: 20 grams
  • Shrimp: 20/5 grams
  • Tilapia: 22 grams

WPF Nutrition 

Use skinless chicken to choose lean meat and in chicken. The amount of protein per serving of 3 ounces is as follows.

  • Chicken breast: 26/5 grams
  • Lean minced meat: 22 grams
  • Lamb minced meat: 21 grams
  • Asian bison: 21/5 grams
  • Pork fillet: 21 grams

The use of dairy products is important in addition to having protein because of the calcium content in this diet. 

  • Skimmed  milk: 8 g per cup 
  • Low-fat plain yogurt: 9 g per 6 oz 
  • Parmesan cheese: 8 g per 1 oz

WPF Nutrition 

Legumes are a rich source of protein and fiber and are recommended for use in the WPF diet. 

  • Lentils: 18 g per cup 
  • Peas: 8 g per cup 
  • Green peas: 14 g per cup 
  • Black beans: 14 g per cup 

Because of their unsaturated fat and protein, nuts can create calories and prevent hunger in this diet. The amount of protein in 1 ounce of nuts is as follows: 

  • Almonds: 6 g 
  • Pistachios: 6 g 
  • Brazil nuts: 4 g 
  • Cashews: 4.5 g 
  • Walnuts: 4 g 

Each egg has an average of 5 to 8 g of protein, depending on its size.

WPF Nutrition 

Protein fasting means that you can achieve weight loss and fat burning by consuming limited and controlled protein. In a protein fasting diet, it is very important to know how to act to prevent the loss of muscle mass. Also, if you do heavy, weighted activities, you should consume enough protein to help repair tissues. 

The best advice for protein fasting and its guaranteed effectiveness is to consider a 6-hour period per night according to your needs and characteristics for limited protein intake.

Imagine, for example, that you’re considering 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. to get protein. In this period, two full meals and preferably one snack are sufficient, provided that the protein is fully calculated and accurate. 

Also, during the protein fasting period, during the hours and intervals when you do not receive food and calories, you should not experience body weakness. Of course, to get the best out of this diet, be sure to consider the hours that are suitable for sports activities depending on the intensity of your diet.

A bodybuilding coach can help you choose the right protein fasting range and exercise.

Tip 1: Be sure to keep your body hydrated during this diet and protein fasting. 

Tip 2: Drinking water and green tea is not prohibited due to their antioxidant properties, and black coffee is allowed in this diet. 

Among the most important benefits of protein fasting are as follows: 

  1. In this diet, unlike many other diets, muscle mass analysis does not occur, and this diet will maximize the maintenance of muscle mass and its tissues. 
  2. Due to protein intake at one interval and lack of food and calories at other hours of the day and night, increased metabolism causes more fat burning. 
  3. In this diet, the main focus is on maintaining meals with protein and eliminating other foods, including fats and carbohydrates. Thus, feeling full in the diet prevents you from increasing your appetite and craving food during the hours allowed to eat.

WPF Nutrition 

Last word 

If you’re looking for an easy and practical way to lose weight, I suggest you try the WPF diet. In addition to health and fitness, this diet can increase your immune system and protect the body from pathogens. What I’ve experienced is that during periods when you are not allowed to consume protein, you may have a slight tendency to snack, according to days outside the previous diet.

This feeling is completely temporary and transient and will be completely resolved after a few days of continuity in the WPF Diet. 

Always remember that in addition to any diet, exercise activities and the use of weights and devices can create ideal fitness much faster and more fundamentally. It is also necessary to use a variety of sports and dietary supplements from reputable stores such as KING SUPP in this diet and to perform optimal sports activities.


About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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