Fitness, Training

Ok UK Training , Full Program Plan For Men and Women

Ok UK training

Do you know about the Ok UK Training and its benefits for women and how to do it for beginners? Did you know that during such exercise, all kinds of supplements, including Glutamine , pumps, and the best fat burner, are allowed? Do you know that this exercise can be the best solution for fat-free weight gain?

OK/UK training programs are actually one of the most useful sub-branches of bodybuilding.

The training program at Ok Uk  is that you should pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the upper or lower torso at each training session. Let’s give you an example.

If you have done exercises for strengthening the upper torso on Saturday, you should practice exercises for strengthening the lower torso at the next session and on Sunday. This trend continues until the end of the week, taking into account the sessions you are considering each week for your workouts.

Note that these exercises also involve the whole body, such as full-body exercises, except that the sessions that are considered for exercise are separate. That means you have more time to strengthen your upper body, and you can do activities with the highest levels of repetition. Join us for a more detailed exercise plan on OK/UK.

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The OK/UK exercise program is one of the best types of exercise for women. This is because each organ is strengthened individually. That is, you devote one day a week to intensive exercises for strengthening the muscles of the upper torso, including the head, chest, arms, and forearms. After a day of rest, you can implement a lower torso activity exercise program. 

Among the most important benefits of OK Uk training programs for women are the following: 

  1. It strengthens the muscles and increases their range of motion. 
  2. It speeds up blood circulation and prevents back pain. 
  3. It maintains balance and flexibility. 
  4. For slim women looking to gain weight, it creates a balanced weight in the upper and lower torso. 
  5. By increasing the body’s metabolism, it speeds up the fat-burning process around the abdomen and thighs. 
  6. It tightens the muscles, especially in the arm area, for women. 
  7. It greatly reduces the amount of muscle injuries and spasms
  8. It prevents heart, lung, blood pressure issues, and diabetes.

If you have already exercised and want to use the OK/UK training program professionally, you can schedule your sessions to build muscle and burn fat as follows.

  1. Saturday: strengthening the upper body, focusing on strength training. 
  2. Sunday: strengthening the lower torso, focusing on strength training. 
  3. Monday: active recovery. 
  4. Tuesday: strengthening the upper torso, concentrating on stretching. 
  5. Wednesday: strengthening the lower trunk, focusing on stretching and strength training. 
  6. Thursday and Friday: rest.

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Set and repeat.Exercise name
First set 12 – second set 10 – third set 10Barbell chest press
Three sets of 12 repetitions.Swedish swimming
First set 12 – second set – 10 third set 10Incline barbell chest press
Three sets of 12 repetitions.The back of the arm with a barbell.
First set 12 – second set – 10 third set 10Triceps push downs
Four sets of 15 reps.Dumbbell crunch

Set and repeat.Exercise name
First set 15 second set 12 third set 10Foot Press with machine
Three sets of 15 repetitions.Cable hip abduction .
First set 12 second set 10 third set 10Barbell squat
Four sets of 12 reps.Standing leg with machine
Four sets for 60 seconds.Planck
Three sets of 15 repetitions.Long Smith
Four sets of 15 reps.Hip Thrusts

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Set and repeat. Exercise name
                                     First set 15 second set 12 third set 12Wide Grip lat pull down.
Three sets of 12.Dumbbell pull over
Four sets of 12 reps.Barbell bent over row
Four sets of 15 reps.Seated  cable rows
3 sets of 12 repetitionsSingle arm cable front raise .
First set 15 second set 12 third set 10Standing barbell curl.
Four sets of 15 reps.russian twist

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Set and repeat.Exercise name
Four sets of 12 reps.Machine hack squats
Four sets of 12 reps.Lying leg curl
10 minutes.Bicycle or treadmill
10 repetitions, 20 to 30 seconds of pause per movementGlute bridge
Four sets of six reps.Cobra stretch

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You might imagine that OK/Uk  training programs are very difficult, and you, as a beginner, cannot do this activity. If you are a sports person, be happy, because these exercises are also suitable for you by following the following tips. 

  1. As a beginner who has just started doing OK-Uk  exercises, try to do a variety of exercises under the supervision of your coach to strengthen the upper and lower torso muscles in sets and fewer. 
  2. For better muscle recovery, consider the rest time between exercises for each set to be 2 minutes. 
  3. If you have no experience in any activity or exercise, especially in the field of bodybuilding, it is better to devote two days a week to this sport to start working in OK Yuki training. 
  4. Don’t look too hard to increase the number of sets and repetitions of exercises. It is recommended that you train for one to two months to find the necessary physical fitness. Then, under the supervision of your bodybuilding coach, do the training activities of OK Uk  with more intensity.

Set and repeat.Name of movement
3 sets of 8 reps.Barbell bench press
3 sets of 8 reps.Machine shoulder press
3 sets of 10 reps.Incline dumbbell press
3 sets of 10 reps.Tricep cable push down
3 sets of 10 reps.Barbell curl
3 sets for 15 seconds.Planck

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Set and repeat.Name of movement
3 sets of 8 reps.Leg extensions
3 sets of 10 reps.Standing leg raise
3 sets of 12 reps.Lying leg curl
3 sets of 10 reps.Crunch
3 sets of 12 reps.Parallel knee raise

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PPL exercise is classified into three categories: 

  1. Push 
  2. Pull 
  3. Legs 

In PPL, you plan various exercises done with a machine, suspension, or weight, exclusively for the upper, mid-torso, and lower torso. 

In the muscles of the upper torso, you need to focus on strengthening the muscles of the chest, back, front of the arm, forearm, and armpits.

In the case of strengthening the muscles of the mid-trunk, the goal is to build muscle and eliminate excess fat in the abdominal, hip, and back areas. With various sports activities, you focus on the muscles of the lower torso: the pelvis, thighs, legs, and knees in one session to strengthen the muscles of these parts.

In exercise, you divide your body into two categories: upper and lower body, and at each session, you do activities aimed at strengthening the muscles of one part. The following can be used to compare PPL exercises with OK/UK. 

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If you are in good physical fitness, you can do PPL exercises that involve exclusively different parts of the body. If you are a beginner, Ok UK activities are more suitable for you.

Muscle building is one of the most important goals of bodybuilding exercise. Different types of exercises, including OK/UK and PPL, can lead to muscle growth. However, exercises exclusively for one part of the body can accelerate muscle building. Therefore, in regular and routine exercise, muscle building occurs earlier in PPL.

Along with muscle building, strengthening muscles is also very important in bodybuilding. Both of these exercises, along with muscle building, provide muscle strengthening.

The important thing to consider when increasing muscle strength is to be sure to allow for muscle rest. On recovery days, reduce the intensity of activity for your muscles. Also, getting enough sleep and rest at night and drinking water can help your body recover and increase muscle strength after exercise.

PPL exercise is not a good option for beginners, as it is classified into three categories: pressure, stretching, and leg. These exercises focus on one muscle group at each session, including the chest, quadriceps, legs, back of the arm, and shoulders. This allows for more opportunity to strengthen and increase the muscle building and muscle strength of each part of the body.

This can lead to increased muscle soreness. Therefore, if you are a beginner, it is recommended that you take advantage of the OK/UK exercise under the supervision of your sports coach.

The more muscle bodybuilding exercises you involve, the higher the body’s metabolism and subsequent fat burning. If you want to remove excess fat in the shortest time frame, then go to OK/UK Exercise.

Tip: To get the most out of your upper and lower torso muscle-strengthening exercises, be sure to do sports activities during your weekly schedule and at specific times.

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Last word 

OK/UK exercise refers to a set of activities that you do at each session to strengthen your upper or lower torso muscles. The most important advantage of this exercise is that because you focus on less muscle mass per session, you can do exercises with more intensity and repetition.

There is also less muscle pain after these exercises. It doesn’t matter if you are a professional athlete or have just started exercising as a beginner; you can use OK/UK exercise under the supervision of a bodybuilding coach. 

Remember that rest, proper nutrition, and the use of standard supplements can increase muscle building and muscle strength. You can also visit the King Supp to buy a variety of sports and diet supplements, and you can also use the opinions of our experienced team.


About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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