Nutrition, Weight Gain and Loss

Lose weight without counting calories! 13 Tips that Make it Easy !

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Do you think it’s enough to count the calories in the weight loss process? For example, if you know the calorie content of fast foods, does it help you lose weight? Unfortunately, the answer is no, and the process of obesity and weight loss is beyond what you think.

You may be burning natural fat or using low-calorie Amino Acids and proteins, but still not lose weight. Interestingly, the calories in food are not the same, and you can lose weight without counting calories and in much more fundamentally correct ways. But how?
In this article, we’ll look at the dangers of calorie-counting in order to get fit and how to lose weight without counting calories.

Why is calorie counting not for everyone?

For some people, calorie counting simply does not work, says Jordan seatt, a professional fat burning coach, “if calorie counting promotes your irregular eating habits or behaviors, be sure to avoid it”.»
For a long time in the field of fitness and weight loss, there was a belief that it was just how many calories were consumed and how many calories were burned.

That is why terrible diets arose with a sharp decrease in calorie intake, which kept people completely away from eating nutritious foods.

In the long run, these calorie-based diets led to symptoms of nutrient deficiency and severe hormonal disorders in people. That is why today the issue of weight loss without counting calories has been raised.

Calorie disadvantages

Constant counting of calories leads to eating disorders. When you evaluate your meals based solely on calorie counts, not on need, interest and specificity, you forget hunger, appetite, and satiety, and this can lead to damage later, and the weight loss process can get harder and harder.
It’s important to make up for any deficiency in the weight loss process and make sure your body stays healthy and strong. The problem with counting calories is that the calorie content of a food doesn’t tell you anything about its quality.

Sometimes calories, in addition to satiety, also play a role in blood sugar, hormone secretion, and eventually micronutrient and fiber intake. Losing weight without counting calories prevents you from eating something that only leads to weight loss but deficiencies in your body. Note that you should never be dependent on the calorie count.

The key to losing weight without counting calories

Lasting weight loss is sustainable weight loss. Fitness trainer Anjuli Mak says: “think about why your previous diets worked at first but the weight you lost returned again?»
You may have had to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet and you hate it deep down inside! A restrictive diet in which any food you liked was “prohibited” or not included in the program. Instead of tracking calories, assessing the quality and components of your meals is the key to solving the weight loss puzzle.

Weight loss methods without counting calories

1.Try to eat properly first, not less

Using more vegetables and fruits, unprocessed foods, the right amount of protein and nutrients will help you experience a longer lasting full. Choose natural foods in the right amount compared to processed, sugary and high-fat foods and set your goal on eating right.

2.Have a regular diet plan

If you consider a specific plan for your meals, you will get very favorable results by making small changes to it. For example, if you ate 100 grams of oatmeal for breakfast before you decided to lose weight, make this meal a little smaller in your next week’s diet, for example, reduce it to 90 grams, if you do this gradually with all your meals, you will automatically reduce the calories from your diet, while all the foods remain in your diet! Diet is undoubtedly the most important factor in weight loss. However, you should not neglect your general health.

3.Write down your diet

By noting your daily diet, you will be aware of what you eat daily and where the problems may arise. This is one of the best ways to lose weight without counting calories. Maybe you eat a lot of snacks, eat harmful desserts, and high-calorie foods before bedtime. If you have a food journal you will notice these errors.

4.Increase vegetables and protein sources

To reduce the percentage of fat in your body, you can gradually change its contribution to your diet and not completely eliminate it. For example, it is a useful idea if you reduce carbohydrates or fats in favor of protein and vegetables, but it works only if you fundamentally change the composition of your plate.

5.Understand the basic weight loss process

To start the optimal process of losing weight without counting calories, it is necessary to first understand how the basic weight loss works. This means that it is necessary to ensure that no less overall energy is received than the amount of energy you consume.

It is recommended to provide your body with nutrients to achieve the right results in the long run. You can easily burn more energy than you consume by reducing your overall calorie intake and increasing exercise and activity.

6.Pay attention to the nutritional value of food

Adhering to nutritional values can give you the awareness you need about rich foods so that you can succeed in getting fit without counting calories. If your choice of foods is based on their low calorie content, you may choose low-quality foods that may provide a faster slimming process, but will be problematic in the long run. Therefore, it is much more important to pay attention to the nutritional value of what you eat.

7.Take everyday activity and regular exercise seriously

A simple and reliable way to burn more energy is to include regular and proper exercise in your schedule. Sometimes, along with a healthy diet, without counting calories, you need to take regular exercise and walking sessions during the week seriously and follow them regularly.

8.Don’t forget the important snacks.

Seatt, a professional fitness coach, recommends an interesting approach to weight loss without counting calories; the rule “three plates, two snacks”. This rule means eating three proper meals a day, each on a plate and to a certain extent, Along with those two snacks, each of which the size of the palm of your hand, can be a good weight loss diet.

Note that this rule is not strict, for example, three plates and two snacks can be two meals and four snacks or four meals and one snack. Each person can shape this rule according to their own body needs and lifestyle.
“Ideally, every meal is better to contain protein and vegetables, but if it’s harder to eat vegetables in some meals, like Breakfast, be sure to include them in snacks and other main meals,” says seatt.»

9.Choose Whole Foods

Use unprocessed and Whole Foods with good nutritional value. The more organic the foods, the better. For example, if you replace industrial oils and high-fat butters and snacks with vegetable oils, nuts, and whole grains, you automatically reduce calorie density in your diet without counting calories.

10.Don’t forget your healthy lifestyle

Make sure you get enough sleep, get quality sleep, and know that high stress levels are also one of the things that leads to eating disorders.
Sleep quality and stress management are usually ignored. Experts believe that these two factors are very important for the optimal functioning of the body and hormones, and many people, if they don’t sleep well at night or endure a lot of stress, start overeating as a defense mechanism and use harmful foods.

11.Combine Protein and Fat or protein and carbohydrates

To achieve your target weight, do not neglect to combine protein and vegetables with fat and carbohydrates. You can devote more of your meal to protein and vegetables, and less of it to fat and carbohydrates.

12.Drink enough fluids

Drink a large glass of water before meals, which helps control your appetite. It is also important to drink enough water and other suitable liquids between meals and snacks.

13.Slowly and steadily lose weight

Note that along with all the things we’ve counted to get fit without counting calories, one of the most important things is not to rush and keep up with the above. If you reduce your energy intake too much, you will soon feel tired and exhausted, and your weight loss will be disrupted. Just like when you remove a macronutrient, i.e. fat or carbohydrate, completely and unprincipled.

Weight loss without counting calories by Milna

Milena on her famous website on the journey of weight loss is accompanied by people who tend to get fit without counting calories. From Milena’s point of view, weight loss should happen slowly and steadily, and it teaches you how to lose weight without enduring hunger. The two golden rules he provides to interested people on his website are:

  1. Eat Smart
  2. Listen to your hunger
    Milna’s diet plans are based on portioning some of the ingredients that people love in the right amount in their diet. This way you don’t eat less, you eat smarter. He believes that many of his clients eat more and continue to lose weight after making changes to their diet.

When does calorie counting make sense?

Calorie counting only makes sense when you pay attention to it for a longer period of time and only benefit from it as a guide, not as precise amounts and fundamental diet planning tool. However, it is better to eat a diet without counting calories and be aware of calories in general so that you can choose the best meals for your diet.

Attention to calorie counting is just an instruction, and the amount of calories consumed and the amount your body needs during the weight loss program depends on many factors.

One of the things that calorie counting helps you with is finding insights into your food composition. If you are aware of which foods are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories, by nutritional values you can find out which foods meet your needs with which nutrients and therefore apply it as part of your diet or changes in your diet.

Last Word

When you are in the process of losing weight, you may unwittingly become captive to counting calories and even become obsessed with it. Interestingly, you may not only not reach your target weight, but also suffer from a variety of injuries and complications due to lack of nutrients.

In this article, we talked about the process of losing weight without counting calories and the right ways to get fit based on it. It is better to achieve your target weight by knowing the basic methods that are both lasting and do not endanger your health.


About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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