Intolerance testing is a diagnostic test used to Diagnose problems including weaknesses in digestion, food allergies, or problems preventing food absorption. This test involves people with certain substances that may cause problems in their bodies.
Their body’s reaction to these substances is then investigated. The more common types of intolerance tests are the glucose Tolerance Test, which is used to diagnose type 2 and Type 1 diabetes.
In this test, the patient is exposed to a certain amount of pure sugar, and then blood sugar levels are checked at certain times to check the body’s tolerance to sugar.
In general, intolerance tests are used by doctors to diagnose different health conditions and by examining the results obtained, they can provide improved treatment and control of various diseases.

Intolerance refers to certain situations in the body in which the body cannot properly cope with or deal with those substances or conditions. These can include foods, medicines, chemicals, or even biological conditions such as pregnancy. For example, a person may have lactose intolerance and may not be able to digest milk or dairy products well.
Or a person may have an intolerance to substances such as Gluten, which can cause problems for them to consume. One of the most common things that can be mentioned in intolerance is food intolerance, which may include heartburn, diarrhea, or other symptoms, and usually occurs after taking drugs or under certain conditions. To diagnose intolerance to food or other substances, there are various diagnostic tests performed by doctors.
Food intolerance Test
Eating certain foods for people causes adverse reactions. This inadequacy can have a variety of causes, including functional and structural disorders, that the body cannot process or digest the food in question.
Functional Disorders :
This disorder is considered to be the same as absorption problems, meaning that the small intestine has only the ability to absorb a small amount of certain substances, among other reasons that enzyme defects can be caused by food intolerance.
Structural Disorders :
These disorders are derived from intestinal diseases. Since the stool is accumulated in the intestine by diverticulosis, it leads to constipation and inflammation. After inflammation in the intestines, the gallbladder and ducts cause food intolerance.

Common Symptoms of Food intolerance
Food intolerance can have different symptoms from person to person and depending on the specific food. However some of these symptoms are as follows:
Skin Symptoms:
In some people, this intolerance may manifest itself in the form of skin inflammations. These symptoms include itching and redness of the skin, swelling of the skin, hives, dryness (eczema) of the skin, swelling of the eyelids, lips and face.
Digestive Symptoms:
One of the most common problems that has manifested in food intolerance is digestive symptoms, which can occur in various forms, including nausea, heart pain, stomach cramps, constipation, and diarrhea.
Lung Symptoms:
Lung symptoms are not as common as those mentioned above, but if we want to mention them, shortness of breath and voice congestion can be considered among these problems.
Cardiovascular Symptoms:
Among the important things that have been observed in this category of symptoms is rapid heartbeat and hypotension (low blood pressure).
Food intolerance testing Method
Since the diagnosis of food intolerance is less advanced than food allergies, an intolerance test can be performed with the help of allergy tests such as skin tests or blood tests.
Often patients cause digestive problems that require a diet and reporting symptoms to identify food. If the patient’s sensitivity to food is suspected, the diet should be deliberately eliminated. Conscious elimination means that this process must happen in the case of a certain food and a certain period.

The most common Food intolerance
Lactose intolerance gluten intolerance fructose intolerance and histamine intolerance are common food intolerances that we will discuss below:
1. Lactose intolerance:
Lactose or milk sugar is broken down into galactose and glucose by an enzyme called lactase in the small intestine. In the event of a deficiency of this enzyme, lactose does not break down into its components, and as a result, it is undigested and enters the colon.
There, fermentation (the process of converting carbohydrates into alcohol or organic acids) is done by resident bacteria.Through this process, it is possible for people with lactose intolerance to experience bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea after consuming dairy products.
2. Gluten intolerance:
Gluten intolerance is an autoimmune disease, also called celiac disease. The ingredients in most cereal products are gluten. In the body, there are adverse reactions to Gliadin that occur in the tissue transglutaminase enzyme. These immune reactions may damage the intestinal mucosa.
Typical symptoms of gluten intolerance include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. Gluten intolerance testing is more common for children and should be reviewed and corrected, as the damage may be permanent.
3. Fructose intolerance:

This intolerance is caused by the congenital deficiency of the enzyme adulus B -, which ultimately leads to the accumulation of fructose-1 – phosphate. This prevents the breakdown of simple sugars (glycolysis) and glycogen, and the excess has a toxic and dangerous effect on the kidneys, liver and small intestine. Eating fructose causes digestive problems, and this intolerance manifests itself more in the form of fatigue, tremors, internal restlessness or increased sweating.
Intolerance Test
Usually, any person who suffers from stressful symptoms after a meal, such as bloating and stomach pain, asks himself the question, ” Did I eat spoiled food or could it be a food intolerance or a food allergy?”
The answer to this question becomes clear over time, meaning that after a while, people realize that they always have this problem after eating a certain food. In this case, food and drinks that cause problems should be noted in the office or somewhere so that they can get the best results during the visit by the doctor.

How to perform an intolerance Test; H2 breath test
The most commonly used test for intolerance testing is the” H2 respiratory test”, or hydrogen respiratory test, by which the disease can detect intestinal diseases, including milk sugar intolerance, fructose, or sorbitol.
H2 respiratory testing is primarily used to detect intolerance to certain carbohydrates especially often to detect lactose or sorbitol intolerance or acquired fructose intolerance (lactose intolerance, sorbitol intolerance, fructose intolerance).
To perform this test, the person should not drink or eat any drinks or foods (except Water) from the night before. The hydrogen breath test process then begins with a deep breathing to normal, and a sample of the person’s breath is collected to measure the initial level of hydrogen in the breaths.
A person manifests himself in a certain amount of reactive lactose or sorbitol and digestive problems that may be caused by intolerance to these substances.
After taking lactose or sorbitol, other samples of a person’s breath are collected at certain intervals (usually every 15 to 30 minutes) and re-measure hydrogen.
Finally, the results of the hydrogen measurement are compared with the basal samples, and a sudden increase in the amount of hydrogen, which indicates intolerance to lactose, fructose or sorbitol, is characterized.

Allergy vs Intolerance
Allergies and intolerances are both reactions to certain substances that the body is unable to deal with, but occur in a variety of ways. Allergies are an immune reaction to a specific substance. For example, a person who is allergic to a particular food and eats that food, the immune system confuses it as a harmful attacker and attacks it. This releases histamine and other chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.
We’ll look at these two things further. The immune system is highly sensitive and normally our immune system differentiates between “good” and “bad”.
If a person has a food allergy, his body reacts to harmless foods with an excessive allergic reaction.
In contrast, intolerance has nothing to do with the immune system-that is, if a person has this type of intolerance, the digestive system itself is unable to digest or absorb the components of the food that it does, and that is why unpleasant symptoms such as bloating or diarrhea may occur.
The difference between Allergy and intolerance from the Point of view of Doctors
Doctors believe that allergies are an hypersensitivity reaction that is formed by the immune system. This is manifested by the consumption of the corresponding food and can occur through the respiratory tract, digestive tract or through skin contact. The organism usually produces antibodies that can also be detected after a blood test.
But food intolerance is hypersensitivity reactions that are not caused by the immune system.
Deficiency of enzymes, metabolic diseases, or the effect of medicinal substances (such as histamine or food additives) are various causes that can cause allergic reactions. Here the organism is simply unable to digest some components of food.

The difference between intolerance and allergy from the point of view of the Victims
While both food intolerance and food allergies can cause discomfort and unpleasant symptoms, the experiences of people with the two conditions can vary significantly. Some important differences from the perspective of those affected are as follows:
– Severity of Symptoms:
Food allergies can cause more severe and even life-threatening symptoms such as anaphylaxis. These reactions can be sudden and unpredictable and require immediate medical attention. But symptoms of food intolerance are usually milder and more gradual, which include bloating gas, diarrhea, headaches, and fatigue.
– Speed of onset of Symptoms:
Symptoms of substance allergies usually appear immediately or minutes after taking allergens, but intolerance may take several hours or even days to develop.
– Forecast:
People with allergies can usually accurately identify and avoid the substances that cause the reaction when in intolerance it can be more difficult to identify and diagnose intolerance, as symptoms may be mild and variable and vary from person to person.
– Impact on quality of life:
Allergies of substances such as food allergies can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, as they require constant caution about food choices and avoidance of trigger foods.
Food intolerance can also affect quality of life, but its severity is lower than that of food allergies, and by managing the diet, many people with food intolerance can control their symptoms and continue to live their normal lives.
– Treatment:
There is currently no cure for food allergies. Trigger foods should be avoided, and managing symptoms requires concentration if a reaction occurs. Treating food intolerance on identifying and avoiding trigger food and, if necessary, managing symptoms, requires diet or supplements.

Frequently asked Questions
What intolerance causes bloating ?
Most intolerances may cause bloating but among the most common causes of bloating is lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance.
What happens if we ignore intolerances ?
In answer to this question, it can be said that intolerance includes several things, but in general you have gluten intolerance, you should avoid gluten intake because in the long run the intestines suffer serious damage. Intolerance is often associated with nutrient deficiency, which is why nerve damage may also occur.
For other intolerances, there is a very individual tolerance limit. The corresponding food can be consumed in moderation. If it exceeds the limit, there is a possibility of developing digestive problems and other symptoms.
What foods cause constipation to be intolerant ?
Constipation is one of the common symptoms that can occur in food intolerance. Generally constipation often occurs with lactose and gluten intolerance.
Where to get a food intolerance Test?
The best green for testing is to see a specialist. Specialists in Allergology can check allergens. Most dermatologists can also help you with allergies.
