how much protein should we consume in a day ?

Most people are not sure how much protein is enough for their meals so that they can be sure of their body’s health.
Protein is one of the most important components of a healthy diet, which is extremely important for maintaining health and body growth. In today’s way of eating, due to busy lives, providing the right amount of protein is a big concern.
In this article, we try to examine all the dimensions of a healthy diet based on the sufficient amount of protein in order to know how much protein is enough for our body.
What Is Protein ?
We consider protein as one of the three main components of a sufficient and healthy diet. These three main components include fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which take the main and major responsibility for the functioning of cells.
Humans use these substances for energy and function regulation for proper and correct functioning of tissues and organs. Proteins are made of amino acids. Basically, amino acids participate in the process of protein synthesis to form protein as a building block of body tissues. There are different types of amino acids, whose 20 groups are divided into essential, semi-essential and non-essential amino acids.
In order to ensure the health of the body, we should always be diligent about providing enough 9 amino acids that the body is not able to provide. Because the lack of sufficient amount of these amino acids harms the life of the body.
At King Supp store, amino acid supplements are available to compensate for the insufficient amount of amino acids in nutrition, which will help the body to add enough amino acids in the diet, which will lead to the health of the body and further growth of Athletes.
5 Main Functions of Proteins in Body
The functions of proteins for the body are divided into several different categories.
A: Antibody and help to strengthen the body’s immune system: Proteins, by entering the body in processes, fight against harmful external factors such as viruses and bacteria that harm the body and protect the body against them.
B: regulation of enzymes: thousands of different biochemical reactions happen in our body daily, these reactions in our body lead to the life of the body and the regulation of the body.
Many of these reactions that are carried out inside the cells by enzymes can participate and combine with different molecules.
This combination acts as a catalyst and improves performance. Different processes that depend on enzymes are divided into different categories. Among these, it can refer to the processes of digestion, energy production, blood clotting and muscle contraction.
These processes are necessary in the body and disruption in these processes causes illness and physical problems.
C: Messenger: different parts of the body are related to each other like a network, and these connections are made through chemical media messages or hormones.
These hormones are made of protein. These messengers are secreted through the endocrine gland and enter the bloodstream. Then they are sent by the blood stream to the target related organs.
During this operation, upon reaching the destination, they connect to the receptors that exist in the target cells, which are also made of proteins. Therefore, proteins play an influencing role in this messaging process for the body.
D: Structural compound of the body: One of the most important benefits of proteins for the body is the formation of the structure of tissues and organs of the body that have a strong and structural function for the body.
These structures are formed from some proteins that are in the form of fibers. These proteins are keratins, collagens and Elastins.
- Keratins are proteins that exist in the skin, hair, and nails for their construction and help maintain the health and growth of these parts of the body.
- Collagens are among the most flexible proteins in the body, which greatly contribute to the structure of bones, tendons, and skin, and are among their main constituents. And they have a duty to help strengthen them.
- Unlike collagens, which help in the structure of bones and stronger tissues, Elastins give flexibility to body tissues. For example, we owe the flexibility of arteries, uterus, lungs, and body organs that expand and then contract to Elastin.
E: Helper for transportation and storage: Proteins are the main carriers of materials from inside the cell to outside or vice versa from outside to inside the cell and between cells.
Of course, we should know that different compounds are moved by transfer proteins, and each of these proteins is responsible for transferring wrong substances. For example, the protein that has the task of transferring sugars between cells is not able to transfer cholesterol. Apart from the task of transport, the important task of storage is also the responsibility of proteins. For example, there is a protein that stores iron
What are the main and rich sources of proteins?
Regardless of the diet that a person is looking for in order to gain weight or lose weight or stabilize body mass, the correct and sufficient amount of protein is needed to maintain health and fitness. This amount is very important even for people who are looking for weight loss.
Proteins are easier to find in meat and dairy products. The amount of proteins in products is different, so it is better to have access to the right amount to find a healthy and sufficient diet plan.

Eggs are one of the most important and healthiest sources of protein that we can easily access.
Eggs are a strong and complete source of proteins, which, in addition to having protein, are a significant source of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and fats.
Eggs can be used for all diets, although some people use egg whites in their meals to get less cholesterol.
The use of whole eggs is recommended due to providing the amount of calories and increasing the amount of positive nitrogen balance for the body to get enough of the necessary substances.
Although excessive consumption of whole eggs can be harmful to the body and endanger the health of the body, careful attention to the correct amount of whole eggs is important for health.
A whole egg has about 6 grams of protein. The amount of calories in this egg is equal to 73 calories
Chicken breast :
One of the most popular sources of protein and meat are chicken breasts, which are simple and easy to prepare and cook. From this point of view, they can be used more easily in daily meals.
On average, there are 53 grams of protein in a cooked chicken breast, and from this amount of chicken breast, you can get 284 calories for the body and daily activities.
In addition to getting enough protein for the body, chicken breast is rich in minerals, vitamins and zinc, which helps the body a lot for health.
For a healthy meal with a sufficient amount of nutrients for the body, you can prepare chicken breast in a dish with a sufficient amount of salad, which, while providing enough protein to the body, provides the right fiber and has a pleasant taste.

Whey Protein Supplement
Protein supplements consist of different protein sources that provide enough Protein in one serving by removing less effective or ineffective Substances in the filtration stages in the final Product. For example, dairy products such as cow’s milk lose their excess fats, harmful Sugars and Lactose upon entering the factory and the filtration process to form a one-piece and easy-to-use product. In each serving of whey Protein, you will receive 20 to 30 grams of high-quality whey Protein, which will provide the body with enough energy to survive and perform body muscle activities.
One of the most important snacks and nuts containing almond protein can be mentioned. Almond is a tree nut that has wonderful contents.
Almonds provide many nutrients to the body. Almonds contain enough fiber and magnesium to help athletes as a good source of these substances.
Almonds have a great capacity for vegetarians to supply vitamin E and protein.
In each ounce of peanuts, which is equal to 28 grams, there are 6 grams of protein and 164 calories.
Snacks and nuts such as pistachios and cashews are also good sources of Protein, which are in the next places in the amount of Protein.
Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is a ready-to-use source that can be easily found in stores.
This wonderful source, which has a thick and creamy Texture, besides having a good source of dairy Proteins, contains amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, zinc, and Calcium, which helps to maintain the health of the body. Each 200 grams of Greek yogurt contains 120 calories and 20 grams of Protein.
Greek yogurt can be prepared alone or with salad or smoothies and enjoy its taste. Combining it with fruits or nuts can make it a healthy and effective snack
Lentils are one of the main sources of vegetable proteins. Lentils are known as one of the most beneficial legumes for body health, especially for liver health.
Lentils contain good amounts of fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and magnesium, which has a special place in vegetarians’ programs for no reason.
Preparing a protein meal from lentils is not a difficult task. 200 grams of boiled lentils contain 18 grams of protein and give the body 230 calories of energy.
From the time of human birth, milk is the first feeding of babies. Milk is known as the highest quality type of protein for the body.
The reason is that it is a very good source of protein, calcium, phosphorus and some minerals. This is exactly the good and sufficient source that is the only food for every person at the beginning of his birth. Each cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein and 149 calories.
But consuming milk is not easy for many people due to the presence of lactose. Lactose intolerance is painful for many stomachs and leads to digestive problems. Therefore, one of the best ways is to use protein supplements made from dairy products, which we will discuss below.

Fish is one of the healthiest meat sources with Protein that reduces the risk of many heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.
For example, Salmon Fish has a good amount of Omega-3, which is a healthy and beneficial Fat for the heart, which helps to maintain the health of the body.
Aquatic animals have different amounts of protein. For example, salmon contains about 20 grams of protein, which is less in shrimp, which is another type of fish, and about 17 grams per 100 grams.
Quinoa is a popular pseudo-cereal among athletes. Quinoa is a wonderful and nutritious food. Among the famous athletes, we can mention Cristiano Ronaldo, whose favorite meal is quinoa. Quinoa is rich in fiber and iron.
Quinoa is complete in terms of protein so that it can be called a complete protein grain. In addition to containing 9 essential amino acids, it has many properties for the health of the body along with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.
There are about 4 grams of protein and more than 120 calories per 100 grams of cooked quinoa.
Cottage Cheese
Soluble cottage cheese with its light and low-calorie texture is very suitable for people who are looking to lose weight and get a good amount of calcium and protein.
Cottage cheese, in addition to having the amount of vitamin B2, B12, is rich in phosphorus, which can be a pleasant and delicious snack along with a salad that has a good amount of fiber. It has 10 to 11 grams of quality protein per 100 grams, which is 100 calories.
How much protein should we consume during the day?
In the research that is conducted, official institutions determine the amount of protein consumption for people, which cannot be very accurate.
The required amount of protein is like a car that consumes a different amount of gasoline according to the different amount of the car’s engine and the volume of the engine.
This amount varies even with sports and physical activities. This index is called Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).
To achieve the required amount of protein, one should put his weight in the number 0.8, which is the amount of protein required for one kilogram of human weight, in order to obtain the correct amount of protein required by the body.
For example, a normal person with a weight of 70 kg (70 x 0.8) needs 56 grams of protein in one day.
But more recent research shows that, unlike the previous formula, the amount of Protein required by the body can increase by 40% in performing daily and heavy physical activities such as exercise. Therefore, relying on a formula to get enough Protein in the body is not sufficient and reliable at all.
How much protein should women consume in day?
For the right amount of protein needed by the body of women, according to the recommendation of the College of Sports Medicine of the United States of America, numbers of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight are presented. So a woman with a weight of 60 kg needs 48 grams of protein daily. But let’s not forget that women need more protein during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
For inactive women, this amount for each kilogram of weight = 0.8
For active women with daily physical activity per kilogram of weight = 1.33
For bodybuilders and women with sports activity, per kilogram of weight = 1.66
How much protein should men consume in day?
Men need more protein than women. This amount changes and increases according to their physical activity. So, we should generally know that an adult weighing 75 kg should have 60 grams of protein in his diet.
However, this amount increases for a person who does physical activity and daily physical work, and his body’s need for protein increases.

How much protein do I need a day as an athlete?
The need of an athlete’s body for proteins can be different according to different factors. Does this athlete do strength exercises or is it mostly endurance exercises?
Or paying attention to whether this athlete is competing or doing normal daily training? The next important thing is the intensity of the exercises?
Paying attention to these points can determine the body’s need for protein better. But in general, it can be said that an athlete should receive between 1.42 and 1.62 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, according to daily sports activities.
But this amount increases for athletes who do heavy and strength training and between 1.46 and 1.82 grams of protein is considered for every 500 grams of body weight. Therefore, for an athlete weighing approximately 80 kg with this training intensity, he needs 125 to 156 grams of protein in his daily meals.
Sufficient amount of protein in an athlete’s meal is very important to maintain sports performance and helps the body to reduce recovery time.
Also, a sufficient amount of protein helps the anabolic state of the body so that the anabolic window lasts longer and the body experiences more growth.