
Decline Push-Ups vs Regular Push-Ups: Which One Builds More Muscle ?

Decline Push-Up

I had developed a good skill in the repetition of decline push-ups.

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Negative pressures are movements that focus primarily on lowering a movement and are usually applied from top to bottom, and the muscles are stretched. 

These exercises are some of the most effective and best exercises for building muscle in a short time frame and strengthening and increasing muscle strength. How to implement the decline push-up cover is a topic that I’m going to share with you in this article about my experiences.

Decline Push-Up

Although decline push-ups are less intense than incline push-ups, this movement has tremendous effects on muscle building, so that a friend of mine who hadn’t seen me in weeks, after regularly using this technique to build muscle, was surprised by the progress in increasing endurance, strength, and muscle volume. Among the most important muscles involved in the decline push ups include the following: 

  1. Muscles of the front of the chest 
  2. Muscles of the back and front of the arm 
  3. Central part of the body 
  4. Muscles of the head 
  5. Wrist and forearm muscles 
  6. Abdominal and lumbar muscles 
  7. Trapezius muscles 
  8. Shins 
  9. The muscles of the large back.

Decline Push-Up

Your incline push up  is another technique in bodybuilding to bulk up and increase the strength of the muscles of the upper torso. The benefits of incline push up  include:

  1. Strengthening and improving the muscles of the upper torso
  2. Increased physical endurance
  3. Correct breathing position
  4. Coordination and balance in other techniques
  5. Better learning decline push up

To correctly implement the  incline push-up, it is better to do the following: 

  1. If you want to do an  incline close grip push up  , first be in a steep position and place your hands close together. 
  2. Then you need to bend both arms down together and straighten them again from the elbow, so do the swimming. 
  3. The important thing is that the spine in line with the foot should be perfectly straight. Also, keep your balance in the leg area with strength and endurance.

Decline Push-Up

The correct way of the technique of decline push up  is as follows. You can do this technique even at home with the simplest tools. The important thing is that if the correct principles are not followed, this technique can damage the upper torso. 

  1. First, you need to put your feet in a position above the ground. For example, a bench or chair is suitable for this purpose. Of course, make sure that the bench and chair are fully fixed so that you do not get hurt while performing the exercise. The height of the seat above the ground should be about 40 centimeters. 
  2. The next step is to position your head lower than your feet and your palms on the floor. 
  3. Open your hands shoulder-width apart and ensure that the spine and muscles in your back are aligned and contracted completely. 
  4. Take a breath and slowly bring your upper body and chest parallel to the ground level by bending your elbows. 
  5. After reaching the turning point, straighten your elbows again and return to the original position. 

Tip 1: Take a deep breath at the beginning of the movement, and when your elbows are parallel to the ground, exhale and continue to move. 

Tip 2: The elbows of your hands should open and close throughout the decline push up exercise, and other parts of the body should be completely tightened and contracted. 

Tip 3: Avoid hanging your body when repeating this technique, as it will damage your back.

Decline Push-Up

Incline push up on bench  is one of the most important multi-joint movements that you can do at any skill level. This technique is included in the chest muscle strengthening exercise group using body weight. 

The most important muscles involved in this activity are the large chest muscles, but other muscles such as those in the front and middle of the shoulder, triceps, back and front muscles of the arm, spinal muscles, and  intercostal muscles are also strengthened by this activity. 

  • To implement this movement, you must choose a bench with a height of one meter. 
  • Place your palms on the bench so that your hands are shoulder-width apart. 
  • Stand on your toes, with the middle part of your body fixed and in line with a straight line. 
  • With one movement, bend the elbows and bring the chest near the bench; the tail operation is performed in this phase. 
  • When you return to the original position, you perform the exhalation. 
  • Get the number of repetitions and the number of sets under the supervision of a sports coach, depending on your skill level.

The most important benefit of decline push-ups is the strengthening of the upper chest. The muscles of the upper chest play an effective role in moving the arms.

So, the more you strengthen your upper body muscles with decline push-ups, the more you develop the skill of moving your arms in all kinds of techniques and exercises.

Overall, one of the most important benefits of push ups , both incline push-ups and decline push-ups, is strengthening the chest muscles.

If you are a beginner, an average of 7 repetitions per set is right for you. If you have trouble with decline push-ups to strengthen the lower chest, we suggest that you first practice easier push-up techniques such as wall push-ups and then improve your skill through incline push-ups.

Decline push-ups cause pressure to be removed from the shoulders because they involve the muscles of the lower chest. So, the more the slope level increases, the more focused they are on strengthening the muscles under the chest.

Decline Push-Up

Chest  pressing is another technique and movement that plays an effective role in strengthening the upper torso muscles.

You can do chest  presses on both flat and sloping tables. If the slope of the table you are lying on is positive, the maximum pressure is applied to the muscles of the upper chest.

While if the tilt of the table is negative, you feel the most pressure on the muscles of the lower chest, and it leads to strengthening the muscles of the lower chest and abdomen. 

To implement this technique, place the bed you are lying on with a negative slope.

Lift the barbell from the placement or ask your sports partner to do it for you.

Gently bring the barbell closer to the upper chest with your wrists facing you. Now, with a deep breath, lift the barbell until your elbows are completely straight. 

In general, barbell chest movements can also be done with dumbbells, and the main focus of this movement is to strengthen the muscles of the upper torso.

Except that with the technique of negative chest movements, the focus of this movement is removed from the upper chest and head muscles, and most of it is transferred to the lower chest muscles. 

In addition to strengthening the muscles under the chest, this movement is very effective in strengthening the muscles of the upper torso, including the trapezius, the muscles of the arm, and the front of the shoulder.

Decline Push-Up

One of the creative and interesting techniques and methods you can use to modify the push-up is to move your hands for more variety while doing push-ups.

Of course, when I was a beginner in this technique, I couldn’t do very well and professionally move my hands in push-ups, but after a lot of practice, I managed to do it.

So if you’re a beginner, there’s no need to worry because with practice and repetition, you’re definitely progressing.

  • In this method, you are placed on the ground like a Swedish push-up position, and your back and spine are in the same direction. 
  • Spread your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor. 
  • Do a normal push-up, and when you get up, raise one hand from the ground for a few seconds and reach the other wrist or forearm and head of the opposite hand. 
  • Put your hand on the ground again and do the downward push-up.

This movement plays an effective role in strengthening the muscles of the legs, back, front of the arm, and the lower and upper chest.

Decline Push-Up

In the table below, we have provided a glimpse of the repetition of decline Push-Ups and negative Chest Presses.

Muscles of the back and front of the arm Abdomen and back. Front of the chest Trapezoid  Shins,  shoulder muscles , forearm and wrist.Muscles involved in decline push up
A chair with a height of 40 centimeters. Chest Exercise using only body weightEquipment needed to do decline push ups
Different levels of beginner, professional and advancedLevel of performance for decline push ups
A bed with a negative slope Barbell or dumbbellEquipment for negative chest  presses

Last Word

The most important benefit of decline push-ups is that the upper torso muscles are strengthened and bulked at a faster rate than push-ups with a positive slope.

In addition to the chest muscles, the muscles of various parts, such as the back and front of the arm, abdomen, forearm, and head, are also strengthened by this repetition.

To create more variety and more technical movements, we suggest that you alternate your hands while doing push ups. 

Although exercise, including push-ups with a negative and positive slope, is effective for bodybuilding, taking a variety of exercises and proper nutritional supplements can help the protein synthesis process and increase your energy during exercise. So for this purpose, KING SUPP is a reputable reference for buying all kinds of sports and dietary supplements of the highest quality and at  the most affordable prices.


About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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