Diätplan, Ernährung

What should Runners eat ? 4 Important Factors for Healty Athletes Diets

Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder

What do you know about the diet of runners and bodybuilders? Bodybuilding is mainly done with the aim of bulking up the muscles of the body.

Some people believe that only exercise and physical training can bring them to their goal, if your body needs fuel and proper nutrition to grow muscle tissue. Having the right nutrition will help you have enough energy during the run.

A healthy balanced diet and the best fuel and nutrition for runners should include nutrients such as Carbohydrates , Protein , fats, Vitamins and minerals.



What should Runners eat ?

Runners should maintain optimal nutrition or consider this exercise as a routine to improve.

The types of food chosen play an important role in the energy level and performance of Athletes and are effective in reducing stomach problems during running.

Therefore, if you are a marathon runner or want to run a little to learn, you should know that knowing the right food to run and feel good. it’s too important.

In the following article, we will examine the types of foods suitable for Runners, Athletes and Bodybuilders.



Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


1. Carbohydrates

In the body, consumed carbohydrates are broken down into their simplest form, glucose. Glucose is an important source of energy for humans.

In fact, the body needs glucose to make the cell’s energy unit called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Glucose is needed as a direct source of energy for muscle cells during running or exercise. Excess glucose in the blood is stored as glycogen in liver and muscle cells. During running, glucose is used to strengthen muscles.

When glucose levels drop, the body begins to convert stored glycogen into glucose, a process called glycogenolysis. Therefore, one of the best fuels and nutrition for runners is carbohydrates. Delicious bread with peanut butter, fruit smoothies made with milk and bananas, eggs and toast are important carbohydrates.



Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


2. Protein

Protein is not the primary fuel source in endurance training, but it is used to support things like the production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, muscle growth and repair, injury prevention, tissue repair, and overall recovery.

Muscle breaks down during running, so this shows the importance of warming up with protein to help repair muscles.

Without protein, muscles cannot repair themselves effectively, leading to muscle wasting. Chicken, fish, eggs, Protein powder, beans and beef are effective protein foods for runners and bodybuilders.



Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


3. Fats

Fat stores, especially when running long distances, are another excellent source of fuel and nutrition for runners and bodybuilders.

In general, 20 to 30 percent of total daily calories should come from unsaturated fats. So avoid consuming less than 20% of calories from fat.

Low fat consumption leads to a lack of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids. During long endurance exercises, the body uses fat stores as the main source of energy, which is called fat oxidation. In this process, stored triglycerides are broken down into fatty acids, which the body eventually converts into glucose.




Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


4. Micronutrients

By stressing metabolic pathways, exercise creates the body’s need for micronutrient-rich foods to support them. Although every athlete has different needs, the following micronutrients are essential:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin for the body’s health because it helps absorb calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D also helps with metabolism and muscle function. Vitamin D can be obtained through exposure to sunlight, supplements, and fortified foods



Calcium is a major factor in bone health and muscle contraction in many people’s diets, calcium-rich foods include dairy products and leafy greens.


Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


Table of the best Fuel and Nnutrition for runners and bodybuilders

If you want to increase your endurance or run faster, the best foods you can eat are listed in the table below. Consuming these foods as the best fuel and nutrition for runners can increase your speed, endurance and strength.

after running while running before running
Protein foods the banana Sweet bread rolls with peanut butter
Fruit Raisins Oats with strawberries
Greek yogurt nuts the banana
Ring sweet bread
Whole grains with milk
peanut butter energy bar Wholemeal bread
—- —- Cheese
—- —- turkey


Important principles in the Diet plan of Runners

If you follow the food plan step by step with correct and principled planning, it will give good results. The important principles of a bulk meal plan that can be considered as a permanent guide to the best fuel and nutrition for runners are:


Increasing consumption of lean Protein

You need to consume enough protein during your diet to increase muscle mass while stimulating the release of fat-burning hormones. Also, protein-rich foods should always be your priority. Consuming high-quality and genuine protein powder can be considered a healthy and easy way to achieve your goals to achieve a body with steel muscles.


Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


1. Eating during the day

It is true that you can build muscle and strengthen your body by eating three meals a day. But eating several small meals throughout the day along with healthy snacks will help keep you full and control your blood sugar because your metabolism has a two-way relationship with increased exercise. So instead of eating three meals a day, try eating five small meals with healthy snacks like fruit.


2.Use Carbohydrates strategically

There are generally two types of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates such as rice, bread and pasta that quickly raise blood sugar and are absorbed faster. Non-starchy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which gradually raise blood sugar levels due to their high fiber content. Non-starchy carbohydrates are the best fuel and nutrition for runners because they are important for weight loss and muscle maintenance.


3. Continuous drinking of Water throughout the day

Calorie-free drinks and drinking plenty of water will help keep your body at peak performance.

sugary drinks, because it destroys your body’s defense system and will not give you the desired result in your desired sport. If you have a strong desire for sweet drinks, instead of using sweet fruit juices, alcoholic drinks, etc., you should use low-calorie amino compounds.

So, take the importance of drinking water seriously and try to drink 8 glasses of water a day.



Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder


Limit the Consumption of processed Foods

If you eliminate high-calorie foods that often lack nutritional value from your diet, you can be sure that you have made a big contribution to improving your health. Also, eliminating these ingredients will help you stick to your diet. By limiting these foods, you will automatically notice that your workouts will work better and you will be able to feel the difference after a while.



The role of supplements in the nutrition of runners and bodybuilders

Caffeinated drinks are considered one of the most popular drinks in society, because in addition to increasing energy levels, they are very useful for athletes. Protein is the best energy supplement for two marathons. To be a successful athlete, you must first strengthen your muscles and use protein supplements such as protein whey and gainer supplements.

In addition to eating protein-rich foods such as meat and milk, do not forget to take nutritional supplements. Creatine bodybuilding supplements, especially creatine monohydrate, are considered a supplement with positive effects on the body and are considered to be the best fuel and nutrition for runners. The effects of these supplements on the bodies of runners and bodybuilders are as follows:


  1. Increasing muscle volume and physical strength
  2. By reducing muscle recovery time, it increases the body’s resistance to fatigue and bruises.
  3. They increase the Quantity and Quality of exercise.
  4. It has a positive effect on the runner’s  Endurance.



Bester Kraftstoff und Ernährung für Läufer , Sportler & Bodybuilder



No matter how regularly you exercise, if your nutrition is not adequate and healthy, your results will not be of much use. By following the simple steps and introducing the best fuel and nutrition for runners that we have outlined in this article, you are sure to get amazing results.

Nutrition is your body’s fuel, and paying attention to what you eat and when you eat it can make a big difference in how you feel and perform. You too can use protein foods, high carbohydrate foods and healthy food supplements for better results and feel the difference.





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