Proportioned body with muscles that are strong and well-shaped (Muscles Anatomy) ; This is perhaps the desired result of all Bodybuilders.
It is interesting to know that one of the key principles for improving performance and obtaining favorable results in sports and fitness activities, especially in the field of bodybuilding, is familiarity with the anatomy of body muscles.
If athletes and bodybuilders gain enough knowledge about the function of body muscles, besides burning fat, buying protein, using supplements to increase weight, etc., they can work more effectively in improving the growth and strengthening of muscles.
In the rest of this article, we will talk about the anatomy of the muscles of the human body and how to train them to get fit.
Muscle Groups and their Training Combination
What athletes and bodybuilders need to pay attention to in the first stage is setting up a basic and suitable exercise program to use time in the best way.
There are many programs for combining muscle groups, but choosing the best one and this key point is determined by your body.
The control of this is not entirely in your hands. On the other hand, how many sessions you want to train during the week and how much and how many years in a row is another issue and can play an important role in the composition of muscle groups. It is important to know the anatomy of body muscles for this reason.

What are the main Muscles Anatomy Groups?
As it is clear from the name of the muscle group, it includes a group of upper body and lower body muscles that are located together and perform the same activity.
Muscle groups of the body:
- Chest
- Back
- Hands
- Shoulders
- Legs
- shin
This classification helps to get a better understanding of the body’s muscle units.
Anatomy of Body Muscles: Chest
The pectoralis major is the most important muscle in the chest. The main function of the pectoral muscle is to move the hands.Muscle spindle from other muscles, the fibers of this muscle are not all in the same direction and are stretched in different directions.
The pectoral muscle is attached to the bone with two different ends:
- The sternocostal head that connects the sternum to the upper arms.
- The clavicular head that connects the clavicle to the upper arms.

Suitable Sport Exercises for Chest Muscles
Incline and flat bench press activities engage the sternocostal head, and chest movements such as the bench press, which require you to lift the arm up and away from the chest, engage the clavicular head.
Other suitable exercises for chest muscles:
- push-up Jump
- kneeling push up
- push-up
- chest dip
- Dumbbell chest press
- One-handed dumbbell chest press
- Intermittent dumbbell chest press
- Close-Grip Dumbbell Chest Press

Muscles Anatomy of Body : back of the Body
This muscle group makes the back bulky and includes four muscles:
- Trapezius muscle
- Large dorsal muscle
- Rhomboid muscles
- Erector Spinae muscle
The combination of these muscles together forms the back part of the muscles.

Suitable Exercises to strengthen the back Muscles
- Deadlift
- Weighted Pull-Up
- Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
- Pallof Press
- Dumbbells on an incline table
- pull-up
- Ball Leg Curl
- Rotational inverted row

Why do some Athletes ignore the back Muscles?
The fact that some athletes ignore the back muscles is because these muscles cannot be seen properly when they stand in front of the mirror. While to achieve an exceptional body, you cannot ignore the back muscles.
Anatomy of Body Muscles: Hands
The main muscle group of the hands:
- biceps brachii
- Triceps
- Brachialis muscle
- forearm

1. Biceps Muscle
The Biceps muscle is a muscle that has two heads . That’s the another important muscle is located under the forearm muscle and helps to contract and move the elbows correctly. Although this part has small dimensions, it plays a very effective role in the beauty and fit of the hands. After proper training of this muscle, it looks like a „knot“ between the back and forearm muscles.
When you flex this muscle, the separateness of the back and front muscles of the arm becomes more clear and we will see more muscle separation. The function of the Biceps muscle is to bring the forearm closer to the upper arm.
2. Back Muscle
The muscle of the back of the arm has the opposite function of the Biceps muscle. In the sense that it moves the Biceps away from the upper part of the muscle. The muscle of the back of the arm itself consists of 3 separate muscles, the combination of which creates a horseshoe-shaped muscle after many exercises.
To maintain fitness, it is important to pay attention to the anatomy of the body muscles in this part.

3. Forearm
The last muscle of the arm is the forearm and it is very important. The forearm is the same as the lower leg. Many athletes do not prioritize this muscle in their work, but without a doubt, not using it in training activities will not achieve the desired result on the appearance of the hands.

Suitable exercises to strengthen Hand Muscles
- Contraction of the wrist
- Squeeze the jelly ball
- Strengthen the thumb

Anatomy of Body Muscles: Shoulders
The shoulders are made up of the main deltoid muscle group. The deltoid has three heads:
- Anterior head (front)
- middle head
- Posterior head (side)
The important and key task of the deltoid is to stabilize the lateral muscle groups such as pectorals, lats and forearms. The deltoid is the side that allows you to reach your arm behind you. The front deltoid allows you to move your arm forward, and the middle deltoid also powers the arm to the sides and up.
This is why the angle of hand placement in presses and weight pushing is important, because it will involve different muscle groups. For example, the shoulder press engages more of the anterior deltoid and the barbell row engages the posterior deltoid.
Setting the right exercise for all three heads of the shoulder muscle is very important, because if you don’t pay attention to each of them, you won’t get the weight you want. Sometimes the posterior and middle deltoid need more training because the anterior deltoid is heavily involved when training the pectoral muscles.

Strengthening Exercises for Shoulder Muscles
- Shoulder press
- Side Lateral Raise
- Front Dumbbell Raise
- Flyback
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Seated behind Barbell shoulder press
- smith machine upright row
- dumbbell reverse fly

Anatomy of body Muscles: Legs
The leg includes several main muscle groups:
- Quadriceps femoris muscle
- Hamstring muscle
- Gluteal muscles
Quadriceps femoris Muscle
This muscle itself consists of 4 separate muscles:
- Vastus extrinsic muscle
- Internal vastus muscle
•Vastus lateralis muscle - Vastus medialis
The quadriceps muscles work together to open the knees and flex the pelvis. In the continuation of the movements of the quadriceps muscle, it bends the pelvis and the knee returns from the bent position to the straight position and the joint is straightened. The most important muscle to achieve beautiful legs is the quadriceps muscle.
Some coaches as well as professional bodybuilders believe that squatting behind a heavy leg is the best way to achieve good quadriceps. Of course, note that it is necessary to include lunges and front squats in the bodybuilding program in order to achieve the desired result.

Hamstring Muscle
3 separate muscles of the hamstring muscle in the back of the leg:
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris muscle
The hamstring muscles work together to bend the knee. Similar to when the exercise is done behind the leg and movements such as deadlifts or thrusts are performed.
The biceps femoris muscle has two heads and acts like the forearm muscle. Unlike the forearm muscle, the hamstring is one of the most neglected lower body muscles.
Some people think that squats are all you need to do to strengthen your hamstrings and lower body, which is wrong. In order to improve the anatomy of the body muscles in this part, it is necessary to perform a combination of appropriate exercises.
Gluteal Muscles
There are three separate parts of the gluteal muscle that make up your butt:
- Gluteus Maximus
- Gluteus Medius
- gluteus minimus

Exercises to strengthen Leg Muscles
- Squat from the back
- Squat from the front
- Bulgarian Split Squat
- leg press
- Romanian deadlift
- hack squat
- Nordic Curl
- Goblet Squat
- Reverse lunges
- Barbell Glute Bridge
- forefoot
- Seated leg curl machine
- cable hip adduction
- Standing dumbbel calf raises
- Air Bike
- Sled Push
- kang squat
- Kettlebell Swing
- Belt squat
- Cyclist squat

Anatomy of Body Muscles: Calf
There are two strong muscles in the leg:
- Gastrocnemius muscle
- Soleus muscle
The biceps muscle is the largest part of the leg. The soleus muscle is also a hidden muscle under the biceps muscle.
These two muscles work together to make the leg or knee joint change position and you can bend your knee.
You might think that due to the hiddenness of the soleus muscle and the obviousness of the calf muscle, it is enough to train on the calf muscle to get results, but note that the soleus muscle is very effective in making the calf muscle look voluminous.

Bodybuilding Exercises that have a great effect on the Legs
Leg press and leg movement, which are done in two ways, sitting and standing. The standing press and leg press directly target the biceps.
When doing the leg press in a standing position, due to the straightness of the leg, a lot of pressure will be applied to the biceps muscle. If you perform the same movement in a sitting position, due to the bending of the leg, the greatest pressure is applied to the soleus muscle.

last Word
One of the most important ways to achieve success in bodybuilding and fitness, as well as becoming an expert in this field, is to fully understand the anatomy of the body’s muscles.
After you get to know your body anatomy, you can focus on a basic and appropriate exercise program and improve as quickly as possible.
Now, according to what was said in this article, by knowing the good anatomy of the body, think of a professional sports program for yourself!