Fitness, Training

Buttock Enlargement , 10 Best Training at Home to make Big your Butt easily !

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Buttock enlargement, making them look good and fit into other organs of the body is always an important issue for women and a very effective factor in their self-confidence and beauty.
One of the best activities that can be done to have a well-groomed buttocks of the desired size is to do exercise and practical exercises to strengthen its muscles. Here are some ways to increase your buttocks at home with exercise, so stay tuned.

There are many ways to change the shape and volume of the buttocks, including two general categories: natural and surgical procedures. Natural techniques are related to exercise and strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and require more time to get results.

If you have flat buttocks, or you don’t have enough lumbar spines and you want to enlarge your buttocks, you need to know that you can usually achieve your goal by doing certain exercises and activities over time and continuously doing sports; we will explain the important movements to do at home.

Note that it is best to walk for a few minutes before starting these exercises and warm up your body. Wherever you feel pain or shortness of breath in the midst of activities, stop it.

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One of the movements that has a very good effect on the enlargement of the buttocks is this exercise. This movement focuses on the muscles of the cervix (buttocks). How to do a leg kickback is as follows:

  1. First, kneel on the floor and get on all fours. Spread your hands out as much as your head. The angle between the muscles of the leg and the back of the leg is 90 degrees and the head is in line with the spine.
  2. Just as breathing or exhalation occurs, raise your foot up until the back of the leg is in line with the back.
  3. Contract the muscles of the buttocks during the leg kickback exercise and pause for a moment at the highest point.
  4. At the time of the end of the exercise, it is necessary to place the soles of the feet and thighs with parallel ground and vertical leg.
  5. At Tail time, return to the starting point and then repeat this movement with the other leg.

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One of the most suitable movements for shaping and enlarging the buttocks is squat training. This technique can be done easily and without weights indoors and its effect can be seen very quickly.
This is how the squat moves.:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. Make sure your knees don’t get ahead of your toes.
  3. When your thighs are parallel to the ground, don’t go lower.
  4. Do this exercise in 3 sets of 15.

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Studies and research have shown that the movement of the glute bridge is one of the most useful movements for strengthening and enlarging the buttocks. This activity does not put pressure on the back and is suitable for back pain. How to move the bridge is as follows:

  1. Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor.
  2. The arms should be right next to you and place the palms on the floor.
  3. When pressing the heel, lift your body off the ground and make a straight line between the upper torso and the knees.
  4. Contract your abdomen, hips, and back during movement.
  5. Repeat this movement three times and 12 times each time.

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In this move, you lie on the ground and place your feet on a medium-sized gym ball.
After that, with the hamstring muscle force, you bring the ball closer to you from under your feet.
Note that your knees should be raised in this position.
Repeat as much as possible to maintain balance, then turn back and
Repeat in 3 sets and 20 times each time

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To do this, you first move the right foot forward, then you move the left foot back and lower the upper torso and keep it straight. The tail operation is done at this stage.
Note that the knees are not ahead of the toes, as there is a lot of pressure on the knee. The front leg needs to be perpendicular to the ground. At this time, use your heels to get up and do the exhalation. Now raise the hind leg a little.
After a few repetitions for the right foot, do the movement for the left foot. This exercise requires a high balance, so if you can’t maintain balance, move forward without a dumbbell.

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To enlarge the buttocks, you need to train the muscles of the cervix in all directions. Longs from the side stretches the buttocks, and thigh muscles and makes them look good. The steps of the side lunge movement are as follows:

  1. You need to stand straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a long step to the right with your right foot.
  3. Keep your left leg straight, bend your right leg, and scroll down until your right leg knee reaches a 90 degree position.
  4. Get up with the help of your leg muscles and get in the first position.
  5. Repeat the movement again.
  6. After the set is finished with the right foot, do the movement with the left foot again.

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This movement involves muscles in addition to enlarging the buttocks, legs, abdomen, and thighs.

How to make a one leg squat movement:

  1. Stand up straight and tie your hands together and place them in front of you.
  2. Move your right leg to the side,bend your knee, and push your hips back. Keep the left foot straight and steady.
  3. Stand upright again and do this with the opposite foot.
  4. Repeat the movement in three sets, 12 times each time for each leg.

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This movement is suitable for engaging the muscles of the buttocks and enlarging it. This exercise is very useful in yoga classes. It begins with the normal Planck of the sport.

How to move:

  1. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor while sitting, then open your palms with your fingers and place a little on your back and outside your buttocks on the floor.
  2. Apply pressure to the palm of your hand and raise your torso and hips towards the ceiling.
  3. Look at the ceiling, point your toes and keep your hands and feet straight.
  4. Keep the body strong and make a straight line from head to heel.
  5. Press the central part of the body and try to pull the navel towards the spine. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  6. If the buttocks begin to drop, sit on the floor in a sitting position.

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The Romanian deadlift promotes the growth and strengthening of the cervical and hamstring muscles, which is widely used in the field of strength gain.
How to do the Romanian deadlift

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and hold the dumbbells in both hands.
  2. Bend down and slowly lower the weights. Do not bend your back, as there should be no arches at the waist.
  3. Lower the weights to the point where you feel stretched behind your knee.
  4. Slowly return to the top and reach the starting point.

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This exercise has an acceptable effect on the enlargement of the buttocks. Some people have a depression where the hip and thigh bones meet due to their skeleton and muscle shape, called the thigh cavity.
The way you move is to put your hands and knees on the floor so that your hands are parallel to your shoulders and feet.
Raise and lower one of your feet to 90 degrees and raise the foot again before it reaches the ground.
Repeat this movement several times on both sides of the body.
Note that the knees should be bent during movement. This exercise will change the movement of the outside of the thigh and buttocks, and the back should not bend during it.

To look good and enlarge your buttocks, you need to follow some tips to achieve the desired result.

  1. Adjust a full session of leg exercises to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.
  2. If you devote a full session to foot movements, include more foot movement in the program twice a week, as these muscles recover later and require 48 to 72 hours between foot training sessions.
  3. To increase volume and improve the shape of the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, special exercises for the muscles of the hips and hip exercises are recommended.
  4. You can strengthen your thighs with thigh and back exercises, so exercise your hip and thigh muscles separately.
  5. Be sure to include a variety of hip exercises in hip-related exercises.
  6. Your workouts should be changed by the coach each month depending on their type and intensity.

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Last Word

Shaping and enlarging the buttocks has a huge impact on the beauty of the body and the attractiveness of the body. The importance of thigh and buttocks is not only for athletes, but each person should pay attention to these types of exercises to strengthen their leg muscles. By following a proper exercise and diet plan according to the conditions and opinion of the coach, you can have a bulky butt with a beautiful shape.


About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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