Fitness, Exercise Physiology, Training

Burpee , Benefits & Alternatives ; Is it Really effective ?


The fat burning operation begins again. What can we do for this extraordinary operation in the body? Another side quest would be to provide proteins to an athlete.

Muscle building might also be the ultimate goal of a person, in which case buying creatine to increase muscle mass can be one of the solutions.

However, in order to achieve the ideal body form, an athlete can use many supplements, such as 100% protein or glutamine, used for muscle recovery.

Weight loss or weight gain supplements, and multivitamins for athletes, are also valuable supplements.

Supplements are a great way for athletes to stay fit, but they also require a variety of exercises.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the burpee exercise, which is very effective alongside supplements.

It’s time to be professional, actually, it’s time for athletes to think professionally.

 How much and how many types of training does an athlete need in order to become a full-fledged professional, and how much does he need to repeat the same exact exercise every day?

This is very detailed. Professional bodybuilding is such a difficult path that it requires nothing but persistence and purpose.

All exercises related to this area must be carried out according to the plan and according to the principles and standards, otherwise not only athletes will not reach their goals, but also they may risk physical injuries.

 The training area of a bodybuilder is very wide and includes many types. One of these trainings is called burpee which has a huge impact on the athlete’s muscles and increases their physical flexibility.

 It’s better to get to know burpee further, and more importantly, to know the appropriate replacements for burpee.

Let’s get to know Burpee

First, we need to know what burpee is so that we can get to know its alternatives in the next place.

 Burpee fits into the strength training area and is one of those activities that strengthens the upper muscles, although it may play a role in strengthening other muscles in the body as well.

Have you seen professional bodybuilders who have big upper shoulders and have you noticed how strong and muscular they are?

 For these athletes, the good physical conditions may be the result of persistence on burpee trainings.

 In fact, they have not easily acquired this rhythmic body and bulky muscles. Burpee not only helps strengthen and bulk up the muscles, but also leads to more balance in one’s movements.

Overall, the more ideal the physical condition, the higher the mood, and the better the motivation to continue.

Burpee is a good exercise in order to achieve the aforementioned conditions.

 This good and of course tough exercise also strengthens chest muscles, shoulders and arms.

Now the question is, how do we do the burpee?

Burpee, Simple or Hard

Burpee consists of a set of movements that together form the desired exercise. It seems simple: place your hands at an equal distance from your eyes on the floor.

Then straighten your legs and tangent the tip of your toes to the ground. Then raise and lower your body weight by pressing down on your hands, bending and straightening your elbows.

As you noticed, burpee does not require any special equipment. With this free exercise, you lose body fat and increase the amount of calories burned in the body.

 As a sport, burpee has a great impact on the health of the body and also provides heart health. We have summarized a list of the benefits of burpee:

A very important Point:

Burpee can be harmful in spite of all the positives it brings. If a person is not considered a professional or has a weak body, a seemingly simple exercise can be harmful to them.

Now the question arises: what should a person do? Skip training or look for alternative exercises? There are certainly good alternatives.

Types of Burpees

Before we go into alternative burpee exercises, we need to check that there are several types of burpees. The following table classifies the types of burpees with a short summary:

Types of burpee training
Exercise TypeHow to do it
Standard burpeeThe explanation for this exercise has been given in previous paragraphs
Burpee with middle hands.In this type of exercise, we do the same movements, except that the hands are slightly wider than the previous position. The purpose of this is to strengthen the chest muscles.
Burpee with wider hands.In this type of exercise, the distance between the hands is even more, and the hands will open outwards. The goal is to strengthen the shoulder muscles.
Burpee with hands back.This exercise is more difficult. Hands should be perpendicular to the ground backwards. That is, the head and shoulders are above the hands. This is to strengthen the back muscles.
Burpee with hand move.In this exercise, we open our hands as wide as the standard exercise, but the movements are to the left and right. This strengthens the arm and back muscles.
Burpee with head down.This type of exercise is also fairly difficult. Instead of facing the floor and raising and lowering your body weight with your hands, you turn your head downwards. The neck and shoulder muscles are strengthened by this exercise.
Single-hand burpeeAs the name implies, you just put one hand on the floor and with the same hand you lift and lower the body weight. The goal is to strengthen the arm and back muscles.

Muscles involved in Bburpee Training

During the exercise, many muscles are involved, which is actually the ultimate goal of the exercise. The muscles involved include:

  1. Arm
  2. Chest
  3. Quadriceps femoris muscle
  4. Buttocks
  5. Hamstring

Burpee and Alternative Movements

Now it’s time to move on to alternative burpee exercises. The question may arise: What is the need to consider alternative movements for burpee?

The answer to this question is quite obvious. Many people are unable to do burpee exercises due to their physical condition because it seems heavy for them and might even cause injuries.

But what should an athlete do when this situation arises? Don’t practice at all or consider alternative methods?

It is fairly obvious that alternative methods are a better idea than quitting sports and training.

We’ve had a reference to this issue in the previous paragraphs. Burpee alternative methods are also simple and attractive.

 These alternatives include several exercises. Here we try to talk about the most important ones.


1. Squat Jump

    It’s also called skydiving. It is a strength training that involves the muscles.

    How to practice: stand up straight. bend over and move your hips backwards.

     Then jump up when your hips are straightened.

     Do these exercises while your legs are open at a certain distance.

    burpee-alternative- ball-slam

    2. Ball Slam

    Slam-ball movement is good for strengthening the shoulders. In a standing position, you need to spread your legs, about the width of your shoulder.

    Lift the ball over your head with your hands extended.

    Then bend forward from the waist area and throw the ball on the ground with force.


    3. Jumping jack

    This aerobic exercise involves quadriceps femoris muscle. Put your legs together and bend your knees.

     Put your hands next to your body.

    Then spread your legs apart the size of your shoulder distance. Move your hands from the sides to the top of your head.

    burpee-alternative-kettlebell swing

    3. Kettlebell swing

    In this exercise, the legs are shoulder-width apart and the waist is straight. Hold the kettlebell tool between your legs with your hand.

     Take your hips back a little and bend your knees at the same time. Then bring the kettlebell closer to the ground.

    Then, by contracting the muscles of the back and buttocks, raise the weight up to the front of your face.


    4. Mountain climber

    Spread your hands shoulder-width apart and place them on the floor. Place your tips on the floor so that they are shoulder-width apart as well. Then bend one of your knees and bring it forward. You put the foot back in the previous position and bend the next leg to bring the abdominal area forward.

    burpee-alternative-plank jacks

    5. Plank Jacks

    You’re swimming in this exercise. Then open and close your arms and legs with a jump. Perform another swimming motion and bring the legs inside the abdomen and stand with a jump.

    What you read above are the most common burpee replacement movements. Other exercises such as push-ups ,high knees, jump Rupp, etc are also used according to the person’s physical conditions.

    Burpee for Professionals and non-Professionals

    Burpee can be considered for both professional and non-professional athletes.

     The most important thing in doing any exercise is to strictly assess the physical condition of the person. Trainings such as burpee, however useful and healthy, and in spite of their important role in strengthening the muscles of the body, will cause injury to athletes and put them in a bad situation if not done correctly and with principles.

     So burpee and all its movements, should be carried out with caution.

     This is especially important for non-professional Athletes. Burpee can be useful if done professionally and with principles.

    Sources :



    About kingsupp_admin

    I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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