The Best Pre-workout Nutrition, plus a few interesting Recipes
Nutrition is the piece that complements the fitness puzzle, and if it’s not taken into account, all your goals will fall apart. Pre-workout nutrition provides you with enough energy during exercise, and in simple terms, the energy you need for your muscles and brain is supplied by this key component.
Foods containing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, and appropriate exercise supplements designed for pre-exercise diets should be chosen to avoid digestive problems, bloating, or stomach pain, allowing you to maximize your performance during exercise and get closer to your best results. Stay tuned for the best pre-workout nutrition and what you need to eat.
Why is pre-workout nutrition important?
Nutrition significantly affects an athlete’s performance during training, which is why the meal before training must be carefully selected. Experts recommend foods that provide ample energy to the body during exercise to maintain optimal body function.
If proper meals are chosen before training, they will enable a person to exercise at their maximum potential. Well-selected foods provide sufficient energy for the body without placing unnecessary stress on the digestive system.

Drinking enough water: the key point before exercise
In addition to pre-workout nutrition, providing enough fluids for the body is a key and important point that athletes need to pay attention to.
Drinking enough water prevents the body from losing water during sweating while engaging in physical activity.
Of course, note that the standard amount of water recommended is up to 0.2 liters per quarter hour, so it is very important to drink enough fluids throughout the day.
Carbohydrates: Performance Boosters
Carbohydrates are a type of muscle fuel. The harder and more intensely your muscles work, the more carbohydrates they need to keep going.
Energy-rich carbohydrates, which are easily digested and enter the bloodstream quickly, are known to be beneficial for optimal muscle function and brain alertness.
Of course, keep your carbohydrate intake in moderation and do not overeat, as carbohydrate stores in your muscles and liver are limited. Many endurance athletes follow a low-carb diet for long periods to optimize their body’s fat metabolism.

Carbohydrate-rich Meals include:
- Peanut butter sandwich with banana
- Greek yogurt with fruit, such as berries
- rolled oats with low-fat milk and fruit
- Peanut butter or almond butter
- Nuts
- Sweet potatoes
- Whole-wheat pasta
- rolled oats
- Rice or brown rice in moderation
- Whole-wheat bread
- Coffee

Fresh fruit: the best choice for Pre-workout
Fresh fruits are one of the most suitable choices for pre-workout nutrition and the success of athletes’ workouts. Fruits that are low in fiber, such as bananas and peaches, are ideal as a good snack before intensive training.
Proteins that are easily digested
During exercise, muscles require more amino acids. Valuable proteins are obtained from a protein-rich diet.
The use of this diet stimulates protein synthesis, thereby increasing muscle building and regeneration after exercise. Endurance athletes, such as runners, need as much protein as bodybuilders who focus on muscle gain.
Therefore, regardless of the type of exercise, protein is always the right choice for pre-workout nutrition. Proteins contribute to the following:
- Muscle growth
- Muscle recovery
- Increased strength and lean mass
- Enhanced muscle function

Practical Suggestions for Protein Promise
Eggs provide energy in the diet due to their high protein content. Depending on your body’s needs, fish and quark are also good choices. Here is a powerful and special recipe for use as a snack:
Banana Eggs
Mix 1 to 2 bananas with 4 egg whites and fry in coconut oil. You can also add some cinnamon and eat it before exercise. Quick preparation, great taste, and usefulness for practice are among the benefits of making this meal.
Protein Shake
For those in a hurry, making a protein shake or homemade smoothie is a great choice. For example, 1 to 2 bananas, 30 grams of natural protein powder, and cocoa powder or fresh strawberries, according to your taste, can be the ingredients of this shake. Note that the liquid meal is digested faster. You can also use raw eggs instead of protein powder.
Other protein substances:
- Chicken breast
- The egg
- Salmon
- Lentils
- Turkey meat
- Beans
- Low-fat dairy
- Greek yogurt
- Plant proteins
- Nuts and Seeds

Fiber-rich Foods are among the best pre-workout meals
They are an excellent option for pre-workout nutrition due to their ability to promote a feeling of fullness and control blood sugar levels. However, be careful to consume an appropriate amount of fiber. Examples of fiber-rich foods include:
- Fruits such as apples oranges bananas and berries
- Vegetables such as carrots broccoli and peaches spinach and celery
- Rolled oats
- Wheat bread
- Brown rice
- Quinoa
- Grains such as peas, lentils and beans
- Nuts and seeds such as walnuts almonds flaxseeds and sunflower seeds
In the case of fiber-rich foods, the timing of consumption before bodybuilding exercises is crucial. It is best to eat fiber-rich foods 2 to 3 hours before starting training, allowing the body enough time to digest the fiber and preventing digestive complications.

Healthy fats before exercise help with Fitness
Using healthy fats as a pre-workout diet can significantly impact prolonged satiety and better digestion, providing energy, improving function, and protecting joints. It is recommended to consume these foods preferably 1 to 4 hours before exercise. Foods such as:
- Avocado
- Nuts
- Olive oil
- Eggs
- Salmon, tuna or trout
- Dairy products such as milk cheese and yogurt
- Dark chocolate
- Coconut oil
- Olive
To prevent fat from accumulating in the body, be sure to determine fat intake based on body weight and other meals.

Vitamins and minerals: the secret to energy before exercise
The use of vitamins and minerals before exercise plays an important role in increasing energy levels, strengthening the immune system, and improving muscle function.
Foods such as:
- Bananas and apples
- Spinach, kale and broccoli, carrots
- Avocado
- Lentils, peas and beans.
- Rolled oats
- Brown rice
- Whole wheat bread and enriched bread
- Liver
- Milk and yogurt.
- Fish
- Mushrooms
- Meat
- Almonds
- Tomatoes
- Orange and citrus juice.
- Bell peppers
- Strawberries
Taking a bodybuilding gainer before training
A bodybuilding gainer is a suitable supplement to use before exercise and is very practical and beneficial.

Useful supplements before exercise
The use of various supplements in sports training is very common. Supplements improve body efficiency, increase strength, and help build lean body mass. Continuing to use supplements prevents excessive fatigue. Here are some of the best supplements for pre-workout nutrition:
⦁ Creatine
Creatine is perhaps the most common supplement for bodybuilders. It promotes lean muscle mass and increases muscle strength. In addition, using this supplement before training delays fatigue from activities. Creatine is also beneficial after exercise, in addition to before exercise.
⦁ Branched Chain Amino Acids
Studies have shown that branched-chain amino acids taken before exercise help reduce the incidence of muscle damage and increase protein synthesis.
⦁ Caffeine
Caffeine improves athletic performance, increases muscle strength, and helps reduce fatigue. In addition, caffeine effectively stimulates fat burning. It can be consumed in the form of tea, coffee, or energy drinks. Caffeine is also present in supplements and pills used before exercise. When taken from a quarter to an hour before training, this supplement can be very effective.
⦁ Beta-alanine
Beta-alanine is an amino acid that increases carnosine levels in muscles. It is one of the best amino acids for short-term, intense exercise activities, as it enhances exercise capacity and increases Muscle Endurance.

Antioxidants help your health before exercise.
Antioxidant foods reduce muscle pain and eliminate inflammation after exercise and bodybuilding. In addition, antioxidants play an important role in improving and boosting immunity. The following foods contain sufficient antioxidants to consume before exercise:
- Fruits such as strawberries, grapes, cherries and …
- Vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, green beans, peppers and so on …
- Nuts and seeds like sunflower seeds, peanuts, chia seeds and so on …
- Green tea
- Dark chocolate
Along with antioxidant foods, supplements such as creatine are also recommended.
Pre-workout nutrition chart by time
– Sandwiches with spicy bread and salad – Omelette and spicy bread – A cup of fruit – Lean protein (Low Calorie Protein) – brown rice and roasted Vegetables | 2 to 3 hours before exercise |
– Protein drink with milk (Protein powder) – Bananas and Berries – Milk and whole grains – A cup of Rolled oats – Almond butter and fruit and spicy bread | 1 to 2 hours before exercise |
Easy to digest foods with carbohydrates Some raisins, some diet biscuits, or Apple or fresh fruit puree. | 15 to 30 minutes before exercise |
Limited dietary carbohydrates Sports drink A small piece of bread. | Precisely before training. |

Pre-workout Nutrition for Weight Gain
If you tend to gain weight, you need to create extra calories. First, determine how many calories you burn during a small amount of exercise.
After assessing your condition, add about 250 calories to your daily intake to significantly increase weight over the week.
You can gain about half a pound a week, so if you gain more weight, you’ll likely gain more fat. Endurance training can help promote muscle growth in the weight gain process.
Last word
In this article, we examined the best pre-workout nutrition for athletes and aimed to answer the question, “What should I eat before workouts?” Foods containing protein, carbohydrates, and fiber are the most important to consume before exercise.
The recommendation is to first consider your sport, physical condition, age, and gender, and then choose the right diet for yourself.