Fitness, Training

4 Day Texas Method , Golden Tips to do the Exercise correctly !

4 Day Texas Method

4 Day Texas Method

4 day Texas method Finding a suitable and effective exercise program is one of the constant concerns of athletes, especially people interested in bodybuilding. The 4-day Texas method is one of the best and most popular programs that can easily solve this problem of lack of body growth.

4 Day Texas Method

Texas 4 Day Method Overview

This method can be called an extension of the 3 days training method per week. The 3-day-a-week training program, also known as the full-body training program, should be called the 4-day Texas model.
Studies and research show that both 3-day and 4-day training programs can be effective for body growth. The important thing that distinguishes the 4 Days Texas program from other programs is its intelligence. In addition to emphasizing balance and fitness, this method has also worked very well for body recovery.

Maybe you are one of those people who have experienced stopping muscle growth after some time of starting sports training. Many newbies in the field of bodybuilding who are looking to gain more muscle mass and build a more beautiful body benefit from the 4-Day Texas Method. Following the principles and rules of this exercise program can have very remarkable and attractive results for people. This exercise program can give the body a good shock for further growth. Prominent sports trainers have been able to obtain desirable and expected results for their students by following the example of the 4-day Texas method.

The 4-Day Texas Method includes everything you need for an effective and targeted training program. Doing high-intensity exercises during the week, doing exercises related to increasing muscle volume and paying attention to cardio exercises are predicted and included in this program.
One of the most important advantages of following this program can be called being principled and paying attention to recovery and rest days, which is very important for athletes.

4 Day Texas Method

4-Day Texas Method Daily Plan

In a general view, the 4-day Texas training program can be called something like the following model:

Saturdayschest chest exercises + shoulder exercises
Mondaysleg exercises + back exercises
Wednesdayschest exercises + shoulder exercises
Thursdaysleg exercises + back exercises

This style of planning involves all the muscles of the body during the week, and if proper pressure is applied to the muscles during the exercises, you can get very brilliant results.

A Method performed by a Professional !

The Texas Method is one of the most attractive and famous training programs of the last few decades.
Many of the world’s most famous and renowned athletes and professional bodybuilders have started their careers with training programs similar to this.
One of the most important questions that beginners have regarding this training method is how to organize training days. This issue is one of the constant concerns of these people.
The fact is, it doesn’t matter at all!
This program works in any case. You just have to commit to following its rules. Keep in mind the continuity of training and non-absence and stick to it. Learn and perform the exercises in the most correct and principled way possible. Be careful what weights he chooses so that you don’t get injured and physically impaired. Paying attention to these tips is a guarantee to see the results of your efforts after at least 6 months.

4 Day Texas Method

Benefits of 4 Day Texas Method Program

The 4 Day Texas Method is one of the most attractive and famous training programs of the last few decades.
Many of the world’s most famous and renowned athletes and professional bodybuilders have started their careers with training programs similar to this.
One of the most important questions that beginners have about this training method is how to organize training days. This issue is one of the constant concerns of these people.
The fact is that it does not matter at all!
This program works in any case. You just have to commit to following its rules. Keep in mind the continuity of training and non-absence and stick to it. Learn and perform the exercises in the most correct and principled way possible.

Be careful what weights he chooses so that you don’t get injured and physically impaired. Paying attention to these points is a guarantee to see the results of your efforts after at least 6 months.

4 Day Texas Method

The beginning of 4 Day Texas Method strength Training

Increasing the general health of the body and increasing physical endurance is one of the most important advantages of using the 4-day Texas method. This issue is very important; Because it will have a direct impact on people’s future.
Imagine having a beautiful body structure and high endurance at the age of 70!
Strength training is one of the most important measures you should adhere to in order to develop health. Fortunately, the 4-day Texas method includes movements that, in addition to bulking up the body, are also effective for increasing muscle strength and endurance.
In strength training, the focus of movements is not only on a specific muscle, but on several muscles at the same time.
The use of the Texas method in training programs is developing and improving day by day. To be sure that this program works, we must know that many experts in the field of sports and professional bodybuilders encourage people to do this program.

Difference between the 4 Day Texas Method and other Training Programs?

To answer this question, we must say in one word: Proportion!

By following this program, the least possible pressure will be applied to the muscles and the best possible recovery will be achieved.

The point that most athletes, especially bodybuilders, forget is that the gym is not a place to build the body; But the place to destroy the body!

Before the questions attack your mind, let me explain more about this.
The principle of building muscle and gaining volume is that by putting pressure on the muscles, the very small and microscopic fibers inside the muscles collapse and rebuild themselves, and after this process is followed for a period of time, for example, 6 months, you can see an increase in body volume. .

One of the important points that is different from other training programs in this program is the importance of recovery.
This program creates a good fit and balance between training and rest, which is unique in its kind!
One of the most important differences between the 4-day Texas method and other sports programs can be found in the balance between the training days and the muscles under pressure. With this program, you can put all the muscles under pressure and exercise, and after the end of the course, you can feel the changes in muscle endurance and muscle volume.

4 Day Texas Method

Examining the advantages of strength training and the 4 day Texas method

Strength training plays an important role in building a healthy body and increasing muscle endurance. Strength training can be called by other names, including weight training, resistance training, endurance training, and muscle training.
The main idea behind strength training is to increase body strength and endurance!
It means using body weight or bodybuilding equipment and in some cases using both methods to design and implement exercises that increase muscle mass, muscle strength and body endurance.

Strength training will make you stronger

This is the first and most important point that should be mentioned regarding the advantages of strength training and the 4-day Texas method. Continuous performance of movements and accurate execution of endurance-strength training programs after a period of time will greatly increase the endurance and overall strength of the body. Increasing physical strength has great benefits for people. It doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man, old or young, endurance training will greatly increase your strength and endurance. This topic can be very helpful and significant in everyday life! In addition, strength training can affect the mental state of people. By increasing the strength and endurance of the body, you can become a happier and more energetic person.

4 Day Texas Method

Weight Loss ! Fat burning ! Melting belly fat !

All these words are familiar to most of us (more than 99%). These words smell of difficulty and resistance because you have to endure a lot of effort to reach them.
Strength training leads to an increase in metabolism, and the increase in metabolism plays an important role in the consumption of excess calories in the body.
By increasing the body’s metabolism, you can consume more calories in your sleep and lose weight!
Strength training increases the growth of muscle mass and this alone can increase the body’s metabolism. In addition, strength training has positive effects on metabolism, and this positive effect lasts up to 72 hours after training!
In short, it should be said: increased metabolism = consumption of extra calories = weight loss!
This formula is a gold mine for people looking to get fit and want to lose weight.

Strength training reduces belly fat

According to the research and studies, extra fat, especially fat around the abdomen, leads to an increase in cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases. This sentence alone is enough to decide to melt belly fat!
Strength training = increasing metabolism = melting belly fat!
I think that should be enough.


The 4-day Texas method is one of the best training methods known over the past few decades. An important thing to pay attention to is following the plan and continuing on this plan. Paying attention to the points mentioned in this article can be very helpful for you in this way, so you should make the most of it.

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About kingsupp_admin

I'm Robbie Sports science expert. With years of experience and interest in sports and health research. I try to share with you everything you need to have a healthy and fit body with my knowledge in the field of sports and health. I always welcome your comments in advance and it motivates me to continue on the path.

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